dear ears of distant places, far-nigh
above and below countless coined mountains
of distinct voices which shoots beneath deserts
of distinct colours which defies our journey
like journals hanging freely on branches of trees
beside roads and along highways,
beats are indifferent aphid tunes and drums of no semblances…

in 1844; in silent minuted surprise course of the clock,
minutes stood; time seen massaging airs
well-signed and a sign hanged on ballonet shoulders
of bamboo flutes that dimmed after gravels-pour.

Distant messages from Africa!  Source: www.attatravel.com

Distant messages from Africa!
Source: www.attatravel.com

in 1948; in between fingerprints and toe-marks on sands of islands
potatoes and cocoyam  bulletins drummed
before an armored castle gate and governor’s anchor,
sweat evaporated and tears rained in torrential
of feet wanting to hide under palm shades
from the raining wistful melodies of death.

in 1957; in the jaws of a month renovating itself
a dream was born on sheets of dust and shredded papers
a bond was signed of freedom
a mark of indelible solvent rained on huts-of-mankind
as one eye took hold of multiple.

in 1960; when days no longer appreciated indexes of leaves
and weeds flourished before germination could expire;
history recycled aback in fro of puzzled pulses
a nation was reclaimed and dreams set on fire-woods of kerosene…

when Awoonor had sang of sand beneath and nigh;
and Okigbo had preached of mother Idoto and fireflies,
of how warm worms gladly seeded echoes of blak-stars
but like Soyinka and Achebe; this journey has hatched tobacco soils
where castles and fortresses are assumed communions for the peoples’ glory…



Nana Arhin Tsiwah is a disciple of Pan-African Consciousness and a student of Akanism. Tsiwah, a linguist- performist of Mfante-Akan Ancestry writes from Cape Coast, Ghana.



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