by Daniel Ajayi

Like the birds fleeing in desert

Like the slave in king’s palace

Like mama loving to stay in village

Like the rich men of Lagos

Like the syndrome of my mind sheered

I gave up the pain to sacrificially gain

the heart of loving oneself

crooked as there be hurdles of breakage

coming with stretches, even in beautiful time

I learned to seek my deep interest so I won’t go astray


During time of go

dug a well of hope for me to cope

got troubled in distress, wildlife of care elopes me

It could be depraved if it wasn’t on a verge moment

The military men of Israeli couldn’t do better here

Yes, I stick to risk, in loving myself


 Daniel Ajayi is a graduate from  Republic of Benin and delirious about writing. He has core interest in writing poems making him a writer and poet. He currently resides in Nigeria where he spends his free time in writing, reading, counselling and researching  His poems have been published on BraveartsAfrica,The Parousia Magazine, Indianperiodical, to mention but a few.



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