Mojirola Abeki


Yes, a million birds-one peacock
A million stars-one moon
A million women-one you
Eyė Bi Okin k’osi nigbo


I have a story to tell you
Yes, a tear to break
I have a head to ache
The story of true missing love


The skies are without a star
The moon, hidden like a scar
My pain cannot be taken to a spa
For My smile is only an avatar


Two lovebirds

Two lovebirds

Everything seem fake
Even the cake we bake
Soothes our pain and aches
Only for a little joy break


When would I find one like you?
Whose love never aches
Who would hold my hands thru pains
And would know my smile is pale
Who would tell me who I truly am


Abeki, loving  you is eternal
Beyond life’s ephemeral


Your touch Soothes my sprain
Your voice Soothes my pain
Your presence give hope
Your absence-tears evoke


When would I find one?
Whose love is greater than mother’s
Whose support is greater than father’s
Whose care company feels like brother’s

Perhaps when I meet you Again.

TIJANI Oluwamayowa.


About the Author

Tijani is a poet, witty speaker, and award-winning Journalist. He was awarded most outstanding Pressman at University of Ibadan for 2013 and 2014.


As a public speaker, Tijani became arguably the finest speaker on any Nigerian campus, following his win at the Nigerian Championship of Public Speaking (Abuja 2013).

 follow @Oluwamayowa_TJ




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