My People
A wise saying once said “show me your friend and I will tell you the kind of person you are”
Who really do you call “my people”
How well do you know them?
Can you really trust he/she with your life?
My people are bold and proactive
They are never afraid to go beyond their norm.
We love taking risks and doing the impossible
My people!

My people!

My people do not settle for less
They believe everything can be achieved by trying.
A No doesn’t mean the end.
My people care about one another.
We look after ourselves like brothers and sisters.
We believe that we can’t do without the other.
How would you describe “my people”?
Take time out to think about it and keep reminding yourself about the quality of people you surround yourself with.

Paul Alasiri is a Fitness Junkie and a Digital Marketer who has just rediscovered his passion for writing. When he isn’t writing, he is always networking and reading articles that he plans to apply so he can change the world. You can follow him on Twitter @PaulAlasiri.



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