Nature Dancers

They dance to the tunes
The friendly wind plays
Like masquerades
All to different beats

Nature choreographers
In void dance steps
Thrust their trunks in thin air
And salute the moon’s home call

The seas dance in waves
Voyaging fossils of old pilgrim
Back to our sole’s terrain
And seek the feet of strange toes

The alluring nature!

The alluring nature!


Nature dancers
The hives harbour
the buzzing flute of bees
The nest
A chimney smoking chirps
From bird’s beaks

I’ve seen them all
Nature dancers
Like the lightning
Dancing to the reggae
Played by the earth’s drummer

Like an oracle
Eve’s lips are fetish
And churns the beats
Adam’s heart desires

We are all nature dancers
When the clouds are unzipped
My ego is buried beneath
Till I pounce on the rain


‎Awa Chigozie is a Nigerian. A student and resident of Abia State in Nigeria. He is a prolific writer whose keen interest is in poetry and fictional works. He has poems which have been published in  anthologies and other media. He describes his works as a mirror to man’s act. Presently working towards releasing his first poetry collection.



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