No Pal in Nepal

Rain drops at midnight
Tremors in sunlight
The clouds give a cry
And the earth a reply.

Rubbles, once landmarks
Land slid structured bench marks
Avalanching peaks
Enveloping thicks.

The sunken need no relief
The standing stunned by grief
The brave loosing will
Strange succors now their pill.

The quake in Nepal. Source: Reuters

The quake in Nepal. Source: Reuters

Rocks tumbling
Land marks crumbling
Abodes rumbling
High-rise stumbling.

Shaking and vibrating
Loud cries trumpeting
Casualties updating
No more gyrating.

Rolling, falling
Stranded calling
Aves cease flying
Hopes lay dying.

Patting, cuddling
Aid men saddling
Fast paddling
New dawn waddling


© 2015 Eghele Akpere



Eghele Akpere is a graduate of Applied geology from the Ladoke Akintola University of technology, Oyo State, Nigeria. Currently serving as a youth corps member. He appreciates the art and adventure of poetry.



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