Washed in his blood and forgiven all absolutes,
Here I stand saved and sanctified,
Sticks and stones the enemy hurls at me
Yet I forge on in this pilgrims journey
Perfection is the goal, crown of glory the prize,
The future seems bleak, my faith yet rises
Hope birthed in me like a ray of light in darkness
The savior is ever near and faithful


He has no record of failure
I cling on tightly to his hem, sailing to glory
Of this I must certainly tell
As my inward parts cannot withhold
The laudation my heart seems to render


Should I tell or not?

Should I tell or not?

The mercy of our God is real
Birthing salvation for the lost soul
His forgiveness and pardon are absolute
Shall I tell of him further? How can I not tell.
Hear ye people, how great is my God!
I ride on the wings of grace
Clothed with favour as with a shield
Showered with blessings and led by the Spirit
Loved divinely and exceedingly above all human comprehension
An Ingrate shall I be if I tell not



My God, your love I proclaim to the ends of the earth
Shall ye tell it further or not?
Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and valleys
Let it be heard in Africa, Asia and all the lands
His death was final and the price paid in full
Alas, victory is ours by reason of His resurrection
Join me to proclaim the joyful song of salvation story.





BAMISEBI Adetiloye is a young intelligent Petroleum engineer and an alumnus of the University of Ibadan. I am a man of many parts who believes in the mantra “Seeth thou a man diligent in his works, he shall stand before kings…” Hence I strive for excellence in all I do.

Writing comes to me often as burst of inspirational words in my spirit and I try to put them down to share with others. I love sports and I have a passion for leadership. God is everything to me because I am a product of his grace, favour and mercy.

A must attend for you, if you are in Umuahia

A must attend for you, if you are in Umuahia



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