by Eberenna Utobo


…if your ears would close,

and your thoughts listened…

…for that which lies behind

…still lies as beautiful


…oh, the thoughts of the thirteen

…blossoming with fruits at thirty

….of the perfection to build from thirteen

…and it would ripe at thirty.


…in your tender palms,

…you could grasp the sun

…your slender feet on ground

…you could walk with the gods.


…Heroes of the future

…where the voices in your head

…you believed in the future

…for you made YOU the head.


…your hands were your lovers

…they fabricated your desires

…your dreams excitedly hovers

…you are on top as you desire


…so little results, your tender efforts

…yet so potential, so big

…for your mind is that of a maker

…then, in time, the world you’ll bless.




…you looked up at Him

…with great hope and resolve.

…you had no doubt in Him

…your plans has His markings involved.


…the pits and potholes of life

…a thing of fiction to you.

…keenly, your mind designs life.

…the life appealing to you.


…then, then, you were twenty-one

…the gap and weed came.

…then, then you lose ’em one by one

…the model you once became.


…your eyes see a little ahead

…yet so dark so fruitless.

…you drift, waiting to be led

…yet no hand came, so hopeless.


…chaos, disapointed, lost

…morning, afternoon, night.

…that light only a glow in thought

…rarely, rarely in the night.


…hey, child, you left something behind.

…for far ahead you would need him.

….hey, son, you left YOU behind.

…for far ahead would love him.





…listen to your tender past

…you created you in the past.

…you employed your mind in the past

…your future you’d build with the past.


…the pits and potholes of life

…a thing of fiction to you.

…keenly, your mind designs life.

…the life appealing to you.


Graduated from the department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering FUTO, Utobo Eberenna T., nicknamed Cowboy, developed an unusual flair for writing. The writer is an ardent lover of Electrical and Electronic world, and yet has a powerful imagination that he loves to put down in writing.

His articles have been published in magazines and he was the Editor in Chief for the Peacock 2nd edition; a magazine of the Electrical and Electronic Department, FUTO. Having written a good number of short stories and very few poems, this is the first of his write up that is published in a professional website.

He is a thinker, a doer and loves to read. For him, writing is a thing of the soul. It is a way of letting the soul speak through the pen, listening to the inner mind and letting it pour out its mysteries through the ink. He believes in the divinity of the human soul and its infinite intelligence. He can draw inspiration from everything around him and is a person that has the ability to see beyond what the eyes is gazing upon.

He is a social person, funny and wonderful person to have a deep and open conversation with.



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