White is wise and wonderful

Red cannot be compared

Black is bold and beautiful

For Yellow, a lot have yearned

Short is sure not the same as shallow

And tall does not make one above faults

Fat is merely full of fair overflow

And slim is simply sleek by default

Yin Yang!

Yin Yang!

They who are mighty and huge

Have none but the weak to thank

As there can be no light or good

If dark and evil ain’t there to contend

Whether up North or way down

Friend, do not ever fret or frown

Life is not a pillow of flowing feathers

Rather a window it is to many weathers

Sometimes it hurls the yin

Other times we get a yang

This all makes for a glorious win

If we embrace every bit, fin or fang





Kunle Adebajo is a penultimate student of law at the University of Ibadan. He is a campus journalist and budding public speaker. He is an incurable lover of wits, words and whatsoever shape these two concepts manifest it. He is also the progenitor of Essays NG and the Intellectualise Nigeria Movement.





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