Eager to know what tomorrow holds,
With much hope for tomorrow,
Much of happiness to behold,
Behind I lay my sorrow.

Live for today,
Learning to rise above the fears,
With the promise of life,
Now I have no more tears.

Live for today,
Letting no words be unspoken,
Live it to the fullest,
With no one being broken.



So give it all it takes,
And be glad you did,
So much might be at stake,
Be sure you have taken care of your needs.

About the Author

Olaitan Taiwo is a graduate of Economics from the University of Ibadan. She is a Make-up Artist who loves  writing and currently an Editor for The Unity Magazine. She is an individual who believes in independence and advocates for girl child education. She is a creative lady who sees possibilities in difficulties. She is a listener focused on sharing her experiences to help young girls who are faced with life challenges. She is the brain behind the girlfriend’s club, a platform towards the outstanding performance of the girl child. She is also into the HIV/AIDS awareness and education.



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