The Wise says:

TODAY is yesterday’s tomorrow

This week is last week’s next week

This month is last month’s next month

This year is last year’s new year

Alas, Time waits for no man

Tomorrow comes every TODAY I live.

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

The Lazy says:
Tomorrow is there

I have no need to sow

My quiver is full of grains

I have no need to buy seeds

Alas, Tomorrow came in the company of famine

Starvation and hunger had a field-day

The lazy starved and died tomorrow’s yesterday

The borrower says:

I am hungry now

Lend me this and that

I will pay on the full moon

The full-moon came and met him groping

Alas, The creditor knocked on the door
On the full-moon’s New-moon.

Image source:

My name is Francis Omode,a graduate of Mathematics from the University of Ibadan. I will share just two events from my life.  First, on 12th April 2014, in a meeting of Business Executives of a company I worked part-time, I was told to my face what looked like I’ve wasted 3 years of my life. In minutes I realized how the educational system failed in preparing me for the reality of life. I made up my mind to work on myself. I have not looked back since then. Two, “you can build your own things that other people would use” were the words of Steve Jobs that changed the way I look at life. It opened me up to the idea that a way to change the way people work,think,eat and love in Nigeria/Africa is to produce/promote “Made in Nigeria” products. For me, this is the future of Business in Nigeria.



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