by Michael Emmanuel

By the end of this story, you might know what I am, – and though I could lay claim to the genetics of my body as justification, or I could walk you through the afternoon of my third year in secondary school, when Miss Sandra fondled my breasts, or we could review what Naza did to me as a freshman, how she made our bodies one, how she spread me like a curtain and said love was two bodies finding each other, and when I asked, what are we, and she said, happy, I could not be more joyful, and, when Papa said he wished I had not been born, I hit him and left – they would be hopeless efforts to describe the rebellion of my body against myself, and I hope by now you know I do not know why.


MICHAEL EMMANUEL is an Associate Editor at Praxis Mag Online. He lives in Lagos and is currently a Chemistry student. He was shortlisted for the 2017 edition of Okike Prize for Literature in the prose category, and his works have appeared on Brittle Paper, Kalahari Review, and Praxis Mag Online. Most recently, he won the Quramo Writers’ Prize 2018. He can be reached on +2348171256013 or at elumike05@gmail.com



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