Will I ever see you again Brother,
Will I ever see you again sister,
Will you ever smile the same tomorrow
Now that you’re going there from this sorrow,
Dears, let me shed all African rivers
As you’re on your ways out of our borders,
Where nobody is wearing loin-cloth,
Where no bread is better than half a loaf…
Blood of mine let me kiss you one last time,
Let me embrace you as the sun-god still shines,
In your eyes there is a spark of promise,
But is it a promising spark my Dears,

The traveler

The traveler

Will I not lose you when you turn your face,
When you have tin food all days in you plates,
Will you not start denying your home tongues
When the Winter wind flows into your lungs,
Will you deny Africa too my peers,
Oh don’t mind me bursting into tears.







My name is Théodore René Ndebi, born in Cameroon. I graduated in Banking Management. But what really makes me proud and happy is WRITING !!!!! I started writing around 1990. I write the most I can.

I mostly write for children’s future. As a child, I had always dreamt of a world where poor children and orphans could be happy as well. I have many unpublished collections in French: Chaque Jour Un Poème, Rêve D’un Soir, La Missive Du Petit Prince, Suis-Je Assez Bien Pour Toi… I’m also author of unpublished novels in French (Cierge Noir, Plus Violent Que L’amour, Les Fruits De La Tempête…). My first published novel; THE LAST GHOST/Son Of Struggle got published in 2013 by AuthorhouseUK; it appears in the LOS Angeles Times Festival Of Books Catalogue 2014 Page 8. Available online @ Amazon, Kindle, AuthorhouseUK, Barnes & Noble, Indie. I wrote numerous award winning texts. I am a Book Reviewer and Translator. I am a member of OneAfricanChild since 2013 and Co-Founder of Le Salon Du Livre Yaounde-Cameroon.



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