(My son, be wise).

He cleared his throat
filled the last cup from the tea-pot
one sip, a deep cough
then called us both

‘Agogo, am not done with the dishes’
she said, her own business
no excuse for me,went alone
to listen to the stories fore-gone

Take a sit my child
you see, today’s generation is gone wild
and that’s how he began
as quick as a soldier at an adversary
fires his gun
of his wisdom, the grey hair spoke more
but that was only long ago

Today the words reverberate, still
i know for am living on the edge
tis a matter of life and death
we’ve lived to witness the birth
of pornography, evolvement of satanism
prophecies and atheism

Words of the Elders

Words of the Elders

It is not strange, was told from the
and why would i be stuck in a rut
for his logic i do espouse
so in pursuit of a spouse
‘i will marry a girl after seeing her mother’
a better way to find my significant other
if she be not appealing, i won’t bother

Again, i will spare my nose from poli-tricks
since the wise ought not go
to the doors of the rich
all this he said but with a sigh
then he died.. what a way to say

Of youthful lust??
He warned, free from them..they kill fast
and respect for elders was a must
and ‘oh my son! He insisted
take time to play and pray
for too much study does wear you out
remember, there shall never be an end
to the reading of books
so sing a little, create rhymes and hooks

And yes my son
remember your creator
while you have breath
i bet, you’ll need him after death

These were the words of long ago
in my heart they’re inscribed
and no matter how i may fall
i will again rise up…and go

{in memory of my grandfather,
Makalichi Kagwira-Nkhoma}


Wisdom Henry Magomero Uledi Studied Law at Staff Development Institute in Blantyre, Malawi. He is now The Publicity Secretary For The Church of Central Africa Presbyterian Youth Urban Ministry (CCAPYUM) resident in Malawi’s Capital, Lilongwe. The Spoken Word Poet is sobriqueted as “The God Centered Poet” For His recitals do the linking of souls by bringing them to Christ,in heavens wing..



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