Sunday, May 10, 2015

Dubai, 12:00pm

A newly wedded Nigerian couple after the wild celebrations of their wedding ceremony, travelled down to the United Arab Emirates for their honeymoon. From the onset, their plan was to visit Paris; take snapshots with the Eiffel Tower and behold the beauty of the French capital but they could not get a French visa.

Loads of mirth were generated by the awesome scenery which greeted them at the entrance of Downtown Dubai. It did not only trigger their romantic love but brought back the ecstasy of the wedding ceremony. On arrival at the four star hotel on Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Boulevard which was a stone throw away from Burj Khalifa, the wife screamed for joy on spotting a swimming pool to the left side of the gate. She has a knack for swimming but being a medical doctor did not provide her the luxury of time. She was a passionate amateur swimmer and her husband is not doing bad either.


The couple

On entering the bedroom, she rushed into the bathroom and changed into her swimming trunks covered with a white pyjamas ready to have a feel of the pool. She waved her husband goodbye and told him to join her downstairs. Her husband tried to talk her into resting but she insisted on relaxing with the swimming. The young handsome man tried to pull off his shoes but rather fell into a deep sleep as his back touched the neatly laid bed.


Dubai, 3:00pm

A wild tap on the door jolted him from his sleep, he staggered so he tried to gain balance and understand his new environment. He opened the door and it was one of the hotel attendants, the lady asked him if he was the husband of Mrs. Rose Williams. He nodded his head forward with fright in his eyeballs as he inquired of what happened to her. He sprinted rapidly with the attendant.

In a hospital on the other side of the road to the entrance of the hotel, Rose was in a deep coma with her head plastered and an oxygen respirator fixed to her nose. She was inundated with joy that she forgot to check the depths of the steep swimming pool. She plunged into the pool in its shallow end and smashed her head on concrete. Amidst heavy panting and sighs of deep breath, the voice of her husband filled the room, “Rose!!!”. He stood at the bedside and deeply kissed her mouth and her eyes popped open.

P. S.: There is a point in life when ovation is at its loudest and victorious celebration is at its peak. Euphoria swings in with its full energy leading to a wild jubilation. Euphoria has the potential to intoxicate if not cautioned, which affirms that too much of everything is inappropriate.

© 2015 by OSHO Samuel Adetunji



Osho Samuel Adetunji is a graduate of Mechanical Engineering from Nigeria’s premier University, University of Ibadan. He is a poet, a blogger, a Public Speaker, an on air personality with a knack for short stories, inspirational articles and poems.

He co-founded THE COURTROOM in 2012. He is the founder of KREATIVE DIADEM, a new initiative which kicked off on March 1, 2015.He is an inspirational young man who is addicted to going an extra mile in all facets of life. He is also a lover of football, tennis and boxing. You can follow him on Twitter with the handle: @inisamosho.



On Chat. Christmas Eve.

Me: Hey Darling. I just got off the phone with your Dad.

Him: LOL. And how did it go?

Me: Surprisingly, ’twas easier than I thought. Was a lil’ scared at first, you know, talking to him for the first time.

Him: Told you you’d be fine. He wouldn’t bite.

Me: Hehehe. Thanks, Dear.

Him: Pleasure. So what do you want for yuletide, Baby?

Me: Hmm… dunno. Honestly, I feel it isn’t so much the gift as the gesture. Anything would do fine, Honey.

PS: Lest I forget, please send me your Mom’s digits.
Him: Uhm… *shrugs* Anything for you, Baby.
Me: *smiles*

The Digits

The Digits


Boxing Day

A knock on my door. It is a parcel. With a note on the box.

“As you requested. Sorry about the ice, wanted it to remain fresh. Merry Xmas. xoxo.”

I unwrap.

It is his mom’s digits—all twenty of them.

© Bunmi Oke



A short attention span and a slow reading pace make Bunmi Oke’s helpless affair with micro fiction less of a surprise. His works can be found on Microbookends, 81words, Drablr, 101words etc, while a tiny piece comes out in print in Boston Literary Magazine June 15, 2015.

Oftentimes, he is seen furiously typing away on a smartphone—often mistaken for an addiction to chat. If only folks knew what muse does to you unless you give it expression.




So, we’re returning from our third date. Telling each other how much of a good night out we had, we hug. She asks that I call her. I nod, ecstatic. How I like this lady! So much I loathe to leave. But I have to.

Turning around, heading to flag down a taxi, I hear her door click shut. That is my prompt—run up to her window to steal one final gaze for today. Yeah, I know it’s creepy, but what will a brother do?

The date!

The date!

I see a pair of legs on the wall, then I hear a much deeper voice—no, that can’t be hers—reciting some mantra. Hearing my full name with ‘blood,’ ‘donation,’ and ‘tonight’ as immediate neighbours in the same sentence, my legs need no telling what to do. Just then she vanishes from the bed! I turn around to flee only to see her right there. And all goes black.

White walls, white gowns; and white bandage wrapped around my intensely aching head. Must have been a concussion. Trying to adjust to the light, a face wafts into my view, inches away.

“Hey you,” a broad smile on her face.

I re-faint.

© Bunmi Oke


A short attention span and a slow reading pace make Bunmi Oke’s helpless affair with micro fiction less of a surprise. His works can be found on Microbookends, 81words, Drablr, 101words etc, while a tiny piece comes out in print in Boston Literary Magazine June 15, 2015.
Oftentimes, he is seen furiously typing away on a smartphone—often mistaken for an addiction to chat. If only folks knew what muse does to you unless you give it expression.




In the heart of Miami, the heavens wept all night and the cold atmosphere with its chill was enough to send anyone back to bed.  For Smith, it was another day to go to school. He loathed Mr. Nelson’s Mathematics class and whenever Miss Kathryn enters the class he wished the heavens would fall and bring the class to an abrupt end. Biology and Mathematics classes were just so boring and uninspiring to Smith.

Smith Harrison, a young handsome precocious boy of thirteen years old was considered a geek and bookworm by many of his friends due to his brilliance and his pair of white-rimmed medicated glasses. He was from one of the most influential families in Florida. Smith was a fragile kid for his age who got the attention of his teachers through his intelligence and wits when it comes to Public Speaking. He was however bullied by many of his mates and seniors because of the jealousy and hatred they have against him.

They would sometimes steal his notes, strip him of his money and valuables. Amidst all these persecutions meted out against him,  he would never retaliate neither did he say a word against his oppressors.  He was such a gentle boy who never had the penchant for complaints or excuses for failure. His quiescent nature and gentle mien began to unsettle his bullies but they could not stop because they enjoyed what they were doing. At the end of every session, he established himself as an enviable Jewel during the Prize-giving ceremonies as he won awards like a hunter scooping honey after stumbling on a bee hive.

The joy of family

The joy of family

A different boy emanates from the personality of Smith at home,  he was specially loved by his parents because he was the first born of the family. He was however a source of serious concern for his parents as he always behaved unruly at home and vented his anger on his siblings at any slightest chance. He would sometimes flog Janet and slap Jack times without number.  He gave the family an impression that all was not well with him. His busy father and his industrious mother were always occupied with one official assignment or the other and the best way they understood love was to send their children to good schools,  get good clothes for them and give them money when the need arises. Confusion exists in decoding how heartless and wicked Smith who causes chaos in the family of the Harrisons comes back home with brilliant grades at the end of the session. Loved by teachers in school but a source of hate at home. Such contrasting characters baffles the mind.

On this fateful day, Dr. Harry Harrison decided to find out what happens in the High School whenever Smith was away from home. At around closing time, Harry dressed in his three-piece suit alighted majestically from his tinted Black Cadillac,  his steps were like that of a Prince who was about to wed the most beautiful lady in town. To his utmost surprise, he spotted his son at a corner beside the school laboratory being maltreated and beaten by bullies. He removed his dark shades and rushed towards the scene. Panting and sprinting like an Olympic sprinter,  he rescued his son from Stanley and Joe. He handed the bullies over to the principal. He was however overwhelmed with tears as he realized how much he has neglected his son.

Harry begged for forgiveness and promised to be a concerned father who would give more attention and care to his children. He made it a personal responsibility and not that of the drivers to check on his children in school; pick them up from school and also give them surprise visits.

Smith soon became that good boy both in school and at home. He was envied by many for his intelligence and comportment which was rare for children of his age.


P.S.: “Parents wonder why the streams are bitter, when they themselves have poisoned the fountain.” – English philosopher, John Locke

A call to parenthood is a call to responsibility and most notably be toyed with if the next generation is expected to boom with greatness.


Osho Samuel Adetunji is a graduate of Mechanical Engineering from Nigeria’s premier University, University of Ibadan. He is a poet, a blogger, a Public Speaker, an on air personality with a knack for short stories, inspirational articles and poems.

He co-founded THE COURTROOM in 2012. He is the founder of KREATIVE DIADEM, a new initiative which kicked off on March 1, 2015.He is an inspirational young man who is addicted to going an extra mile in all facets of life. He is also a lover of football, tennis and boxing. You can follow him on Twitter with the handle: @inisamosho.

Coming up on May 1 in University of Ibadan

Coming up on May 1 in University of Ibadan




February 14, 2015

7:00am, Abuja

Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria is one of the most beautiful places one could ever visit. The serenity of the atmosphere is compelling; the amazing architectural edifices neatly arranged in the city and the honking of exotic cars which littered the roads. It was a day separated for lovers to express their love and affection.

“This postponement of elections just damaged a lot of plans; No wedding to attend today and my beautiful wife is not around for Valentine’s Day. How I wish Flora is here with me? Play with her long hair, stare into her deep blue eyes and hold her hands as we hit the town for a memorable cruise. Anyways, I will have fun and enjoy myself, Flora should be doing the same in her place. The special Valentine Card and gifts should have reached her doorstep by now, I will place a call to her phone later in the day and that should be fine. I have to indulge myself a little and have fun as well.” Senator James Dauda was lost in his thoughts as he looked through the window of his bedroom at the beautiful scenery of the Lake Jabi which was opposite his house.

Senator James Dauda, a tall handsome broad-chested man in his late thirties with large eyes kept behind his pair of thick spectacles. He is a proud father of a twelve year-old boy, David and a ten year-old girl, Esther. James is an advocate of education and he took giant strides to ensure that his children get the best of it. The children with their mother reside in South Africa; attending a College in the University of Pretoria where Flora is having her Professional Masters in International Relations. He visits them at least twice in a month; in the first and last weeks of the month. Immediately he got married, it dawned on him that it was a call to parenthood; he decided to drop some vices and bad habits as he never wished his children to exhibit any of them. In the last two years, since his family moved to South Africa, he had struggled to keep with his resolutions as his pool of friends keep pulling him back.

The moment of betrayal

The moment of betrayal

12:00pm, Pretoria, South Africa

The clicking of her high-heeled shoes was halted as she dropped her luggage for check-up at the security unit of the Pretoria International Airport. Flora, a pretty fair-complexioned lady with cheeks flustered with dimples and a voice that could send a man into the heavens decided to embark on a trip. At the age of thirty five, she looked young, agile and beautiful than ever and many were always stunned whenever they see her with David or Esther.

“Yes, I made the right decision, I am going to give James a big surprise today. On a Valentine’s Day of this ilk, it will be good to reignite our love and remind him of how we started this romantic script of love that has evolved into a beautiful home with two kids.” Flora was soliloquizing about the reason for her impromptu trip while she was inside the plane on its way to Abuja international airport.

3:00pm, Abuja

The sound of the large flat screen TV filled the spacious and artistically decorated living room of Senator Dauda. James seated on a sofa was watching a Premier League football match between Arsenal and Chelsea. He is an ardent supporter of Arsenal FC and he had teased his friends about how Arsenal will win this one. The scores at the moment is 1-1 and it was just twenty minutes to the end of the match. Engrossed in the mirth of the game, he was oblivious of the clicking sound of the high-heeled shoes of Flora who just entered the living room with her luggage. She had opened the door with her personal key and she was disappointed with what kissed her eyes as she scanned the living room. The room was engulfed in thick smoke of cigarette and pungent smell of alcohol with all sorts of drinks scattered on the table.

She almost fainted on sighting the secretary of his husband, Caroline dressed in a white lingerie with a cup of wine in her right hand while the left hand rested on the laps of James gently puffing his cigar.

James and Caroline jolted back to the reality of the living room as the high-pitched and emotional voice of Flora flooded the room: “James!!!!! Happy Valentine to you!!!!” she said as she turned back with her luggage aiming for the knob of the metal door.


****Purely fictional and creative thoughts of the writer, any sort of coincidence with living persons was not intended.

P. S.: “Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don’t know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.” – French-Cuban Author,  Anais Nin.


©  2015 by Osho Samuel Adetunji.


Osho Samuel Adetunji is a graduate of Mechanical Engineering from Nigeria’s premier University, University of Ibadan. He is a poet, a blogger, a Public Speaker, an on air personality with a knack for short stories, inspirational articles and poems. He is a great thinker, creative and dexterous young man who does not only believe in excellence but also extols the tenets of discipline, hard work and effectiveness.

He co-founded THE COURTROOM in 2012. He is the founder of KREATIVE DIADEM, a new initiative which kicked off on March 1, 2015.He is an inspirational young man who is addicted to going an extra mile in all facets of life. He is also a lover of football, tennis and boxing. You can follow him on Twitter with the handle: @inisamosho.





She lost her balance… It was  a masculine slap, of course she had to. The guy who was stern looking, short and chisel-muscled appeared so desperate with his eyes shining like a cat’s. He left her searching for her balance. Toke was furious, she hadn’t expected to be a hit by a guy…to talk of a stranger. She didn’t remember the last time she was slapped. He was beginning to sound like she had heard in the movies… “Do you know who I am?” “Who do you think you are?”… then she heard a distant cry for help.

“Look out, a guy just slapped a corps member”. She saw the mammoth crowd running towards them, and she rescinded her decision to hit him back. They pounced on him, anger emanating like heat from each of them. He was dragged by the hair as shouts of “How can you slap a corper?” “Who you be?” “Who born you?” “Who be your papa?” rented the air.

Toke was amongst the INEC ADHOC staff that were recruited to participate in the elections. She was among the few corps members selected because she had registered early enough for it. Though advised against registering, Toke insisted she wanted to participate because of her zeal to make her country a better place. She also insisted it wasn’t an everyday affair and figured being a corps member was her best bet. She mocked her friends, Chidi and Tega for not meeting up to the requirements and not getting selected.

Chidi and Tega were Toke’s closest friends. From the onset, Chidi had vowed he wasn’t participating as he learnt the previous election was violent. He advised Toke and Tega against participating, but they wouldn’t hear of it. They instead, influenced him into changing his mind and so he decided to join in the registration process. With the list out and only Toke’s name in sight, Chidi was a bit relieved, he sincerely wasn’t interested after all.
Tega had been indecisive right from the start. When Toke told him about it, he seemed really interested but when Chidi shared his point of view, he had lost interest. His indecisive nature made him finally accept to register when Toke brought it up over and over again…and also made them talk Chidi into registering too. However, he also wasn’t shortlisted.

* * * * * *

The corps members were outraged. They acted defensively, trying to fight for one of their own. It was an insult to their “uniform”, their personality, their body- the NYSC; having one of their own hit by an indigene…a coward in this case, a man who could hit a woman. They were not interested in the cause, the deed was done. Everyone of them; ladies inclusive, dealt with him and then gave him the warning of his life.

Apparently, the indigene was angry with Toke because as the presiding officer of her unit, she had prevented every form of irrelevant discussion that could mar the aim of the election. Toke, as a result of her upbringing was a very disciplined lady who would work only by following protocol. She thus double crossed the indigene in his covetous bid to help with election malpractice. Hence,  his attack on her personality the next time they met.

National Youth Service Corps

National Youth Service Corps

This is an avenue to pay homage to every corps member presently serving their fatherland. It is worthy of all causes to be patriotic in trying times, even when the team seems negligent. This is also an avenue to acknowledge every real MAN out there that would NEVER hit a lady, no matter the circumstance. It takes a real man to listen to a woman ranting and at most walk out on her. It is a privilege to have actually served in the year 2014/15- when the most intense and competitive election took place. It is a privilege to have contributed to the success of our development- the Nigerian development. It is a privilege to be a female – that every real man will fight for, and a Nigerian that would be proud of her country. It is a privilege to be able to tell my story to the world, without having to beg a particular TV or radio station before given an opportunity. It is an opportunity to be in this new age with every one of you. May the new government serve us as promised, and may Nigeria continue to become a better place to live in.

God bless all corps members,
God bless the NYSC,
God bless the INEC and
God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

CORPERS WEE OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Osomo Bilikis Omosalewa, also known as Bilkisses is a talented Nigerian writer, blogger and caterer. She is a well-focused, emotionally-
stable, and a hard working young lady whose penchant for excellence and youthful drive makes an asset wherever she finds herself. She started blogging in 2012 under the domain name “Bilkisses blog” and has not stopped thrilling her fans with her mostly fictional stories.

As a storage biology graduate of the prestigious Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria; Bilkisses currently owns “cakesbykisses”, a bakery which constitutes a team of experienced caterers who bake cakes to life.