The rain comes,
clouds heavy here
but rainbow is missing.


Merger of shoddy elites

occupants of floors in

assemblies of nation’s houses

sited on national rock.


Postmen of economic issues

servicing to occurrence
scarcity of resources,
for whom we produce.
Source: Internet images

Source: Internet images


Abandon citizens
to tears of blood
rainfall of sorrow
enslave minds – sycophants,

exertions Earth gold futility

vanity upon vanity.


The rites proceeds in terms



Projects of politics
won by thumbs signatures.


Sits in dark corner

by wall of defence
in exile of tormenting pasts
into petition of hopeful future.


Tola Ijalusi is a native of Ado Ekiti,  resides in Ibadan, Nigeria. He writes to address certain issues in the society.
His poems are published on various literary journals and magazines such as PIN Quarterly Journal, Tuck Magazine, The Poet Community, Lunar Literary Poetry Page, Literary Vox etc. 
He was also featured in the 2015 31 Days of Poetry on EGC CREATIVITY.



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