To stay, would’ve have wished
at least for  years more
Had it not been for the deceiver
Who my presence values not

They were here
Others were
She, a roaring lion chased them
The bird in the air
Had pity due to moans, endless groans
To their destiny it escorted them
now they sing Hallelujah!

Take heed as i say
That of her whisper this night past,
I heard, it was all lies
Sadly, in them you did swim
And demonised my sanity
But i won’t speak of innocence
I leave it to the Almighty
Time is a just judge
it will tell


Deceitful tongue

By the break of dawn
It came back, the bird did
Sung me a sweet lullaby
Said i had to prepare
For the journey to homeland
Where those relatives
that went before me
keep singing, Hallelujah!

Ask not why am leaving
When you never questioned
my stay
It means nothing when
It was her presence that mattered
Her words were pleasing to your sight
In them, you searched for truth
Not in mine, so go to her

How will i say Adieu
To the many seasons under your
tutelage, Father?
You’ve been the best
Though ‘ve seen the worst
From the other body
you call your own
‘Her tongue spits poison’

Label her a demigod
Reward you for that she will
To her earthly throne
Enshrined in her constitution
Is freedom of the only kind
‘Freedom of worship’
Not to anyone
But to her dictatorship

It was a vision
Arising from the sole reason;
Pain, pain and more pain
I exit parental guidance
And enter bachelorhood
In this other world
i am the captain of my Ship
if it sails backwards,
i will have myself to blame…

By me, The God Centered Poet

About the Author

Wisdom Henry Magomero Uledi Studied Law at Staff Development Institute in Blantyre, Malawi. He is now The Publicity Secretary For The Church of Central Africa Presbyterian Youth Urban Ministry (CCAPYUM) resident in Malawi’s Capital, Lilongwe. The Spoken Word Poet is sobriqueted as “The God Centered Poet” For His recitals do the linking of souls by bringing them to Christ,in heavens wing..