A STAR IS BORN by David Adejumo

by David Adejumo
They say the stars
rise at the East,
whilst the sun sets
at the West
Oh I was a star
born in the North,
a melancholy
and an untamed breed
that appeared in the solstice
Mama used to say
“put my words
in your left hand,
and pocket it
everywhere you go,
not in your right hand
where you shall use it to eat
and discard it”
O’ I wish
I heeded her words…….
how time flies,
now I lay in regret
after missing
so much opportunities…..
have fallen prey,
for in your prime,
you were killed
by these bloodsucking demons
O’ how man can
wrought the worst evils
all for money
these are indeed hard times,
Rest in Peace Brother……….
In my imperfections,
do not crucify my mistakes,
for there is only one judge
who is above
I was only born
to act this script………

This life is a jungle,
only the fittest can survive,
All man for himself
is the rule in this game
you had to be smart
to eat fat
the street taught me this……….
Though I am a Phlegmatic,
do not misjudge my silence
for I am running this race to obtain the crown…….
Every new day,
I have no idea
of what lie ahead
but I keep on striving
in the midst of these tempest ,
I am on destiny’s lane,
I can never be tamed………
O’ Dad,
If I had heeded your words,
have been told,
I am dancing with destiny,
this is heaven’s predestination…….
O’ Father and Mother!!!!!!!
I am a Poet
not a Diplomat,
preaching through my pen and paper,
I am a keeper of words
that will speak forever
I am an Old soldier,
an immortal whose words
will never die
Writing is my addiction
these are raw truths
spewing from my diction
Read these lines to the end,
the greatest verse in history
for A STAR IS BORN………………
David Adejumo is a gifted and talented poet, writer, essayist and man of words, He started writing since when he was very young as a hobby, but he took it to the next level in 2018 when he started his poetic journey. He has three collections of works, REDEMPTION, which is published on Amazon and Kindle store, LO/UST RACE and BEACON OF HOPE, which are both unpublished manuscripts.
He was born and bred in Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria to God-fearing parents and a father who loved reading books. He picked that interest in writing and reading from him. He enrolled in Bowen University with a degree in History and International Studies, he hopes to touch lives, inspire many and preach through his pen and paper.
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