LIFE ADDICT by Jonathan Oladeji

LIFE ADDICT by Jonathan Oladeji

Life Addict

Am just craving,
I mean my hands shaking,
Twitching for some…..

Just a:
Drag, fix, high!
Just one more time,
That sick hunger,
Foul thoughts,
and fading sights.

passionate love

Resolute and wretched,
My high resolution image,
A crook and wretch,
The bottle and booze,
Seducing my shiver,
Quivering lips.

I said No more!!

Yea just yesterday,
Hooked on life,
Yet death and her red lips,
The slender of her thighs,
My blunders remain,
While I soak in the smoke.

I got a fix of life,
Took a full drag of health,
Tasted strength,
Yes her supple breasts,
The whole of me said no!

A life addict.




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About the Author

Damilola Jonathan Oladeji is a Real Estate practitioner who loves to employ words, he is a Nigerian who believes in the power of spoken words to tangibly influence tomorrow, Mummify the past and keep the present in perspective.
He writes poems to capture the moments, stories to entice the readers into great attitudes and he loves the sound of music.