THE GOSPEL OF REBELS by Othuke Umukoro

THE GOSPEL OF REBELS by Othuke Umukoro


by Othuke Umukoro

& in the evening when he had dispersed

the multitude, he went into the synagogue

& spoke to his disciples & the pharisees

a parable concerning the kingdom of rebels,

which by extension is the

kingdom of heaven


behold, sixteen men, he began quietly,

black with pristine pride & holding hands,

like thousands after them, chose

the shark-mouth of the atlantic

instead of life in sweltering

sugarcane plantations


& his disciples reasoned among

themselves for many days about

the meaning of this parable,

wondering that perhaps in

his death


a man sails home, free

Source: From the Rebel Issue (October 2019)


OTHUKE UMUKORO is a poet & playwright. His demons have appeared, or are forthcoming in the Sunlight Press, AfricanWriter, Eunoia Review, Brittle Paper & elsewhere. His debut play, Mortuary Encounters is available here. When bored, he watches Everybody Hates Chris. He is on twitter @othukeumukoro19

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