ROSES BROKE MY FALL by Eze Kenechukwu

ROSES BROKE MY FALL by Eze Kenechukwu


by Eze Kenechukwu

They come to me after midnight – Flashbacks of you,
I greet them with tears.
These shards of glass – In our garden
Remind me of the thorns we bore.
We loved like fire – Scalded tongues
Purple teeth marks on skin.


You were dysfunctional – I misunderstood
But we found solace in society’s disapproval.
The day I fell – you were supposed to catch me
You were scribbling on your palm with that blade.
And so I fell – To our garden
But all the roses were dead, just thorns.


I am Eze Kenechukwu Michael, a 2nd year Law student at the University of Nigeria (Enugu campus), I am a student writer with a flair for flash fiction and poetry. I am currently working on my collection of poems called “In the journal of an enigma.”

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