Came into your life unnoticed,
when it seems people do not recognize your existence,
when you feel odd among your peers.

Tried to straighten your life style that seems not to be meaningful,
Just because nothing can really define the kind of life you live.

Has always been standing even though sometimes
you feel you do not worth standing for.
The lifestyle you live is not because you want it,
just that you have always longed for that person that
will encourage you to get into that more exciting and fulfilled live.


Did not promise to be there during the storm,
but it is amazing that the rain couldn’t wash away that friendship
and its still standing.

Now laughs at your dry jokes,
Gives a shoulder to lean on and listening ears for your complaints and cries.
Has always been there to love you,
Care and pray for you
Sees the sorrows behind the smiles,
Understands when you scream and yell.

Believes in your dreams,
Has patience to protect your heart,
Has hopes in your dry bones.
Understands what it means to be there for you,
Doesn’t need to make promises when the sun is shining.
That one person. 

About the Author

Olaitan Taiwo is a graduate of Economics from the University of Ibadan. She is a Make-up Artist who loves  writing and currently an Editor for The Unity Magazine. She is an individual who believes in independence and advocates for girl child education. She is a creative lady who sees possibilities in difficulties. She is a listener focused on sharing her experiences to help young girls who are faced with life challenges. She is the brain behind the girlfriend’s club, a platform towards the outstanding performance of the girl child. She is also into the HIV/AIDS awareness and education.

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