In the ancient times of the gods,

There existed a city,

The little city of PASIFA,

It was neither on earth, neither was it in heaven nor on the ocean bed,

It was in a place that hid vast mysteries.

In a place where the stars were everly radiating their pleasing beauty,

Where the moon was always at its brightest,

And breathe taking when it was at it’s crescent.

Shiny but cool the sun rose mysteriously  every morning,

Beautiful and colourful the flowers were when the sun shone upon them,

Their rivers were pure and colorless you could see different fishes at the bottom,

Somewhat more pleasing than imagined.

The children played around the hay during the summer,

And hid in their little play house while it was snowing during winter,

Their harvest blossomed year upon year!

It indeed a little good city to be!

gods fall in love

The gods were with them I would have nearly said,


The night the stars turned red,

The crescent moon was swallowed by the dark night clouds,

All the beautiful flowers began to wilt,

The cool sun became just too hot,

The rivers evaporated just as fast as the fishes swam for their dear short lives !

Loving mothers consoled their ‘now sad children’,

Even the white snow became just too hot.

“Are the gods still with us? ” Prometheus the bravest man shouted,  straining his vocal cords.

In anger and a descent sense of courage,

He sets off to the treacherous and unmerciful mountain,


Known as the living place of the gods.

There Prometheus was in the midst of gods;

Zeus, god of heaven earth and justice,

Poseidon, god of sea and earthquake,

Ares, god of war, hatred and violence

Demeter, the goddess of hearth and all growing things


Aphrodite, godess of love and beauty.

Poseidon and Ares were fighting more aggressive than a ferocious beast would, over the love of Apphrodite,

Which indeed left Pasifa in pandemonium and disaster,

Demeter in her pure and humble spirit pleaded that Zeus took control ’cause the peace if the gods was the peace of all cities.

In a moment of heroic action Zeus rose in eminent anger and declared peace at once.

And suddenly, there was silence,

And it was all over.

Zeus took control and Prometheus returned back to Pasifa to give the great news,

But time passed all too soon and everything was in shambles.

Soon later Pasifa grew,

But it never returned to its old glory.

In the ancient the time of the gods,

There existed a city,

The beautiful little city of Pasifa,

That befell calamity by the gods Love or Lust?

Image source:

About The Author


Obilaja Fisayo is a 200L computer engineering student at the Lagos state University. He has flair for poems, short stories and gives speeches and also indebted to in science.

TORTURE by Emmanuel Ibekwe

TORTURE by Emmanuel Ibekwe




If wishes were horses

I still would prefer a Lamborghini

I would feel better if it`s not public buses

At least beggars cannot get a ride in it.



They say suffering is no ornament

No one would feel proud with it on their neck

Suffering should be for but a while, not permanent

If it tarries, take another card from nature`s card deck.



All things good come to those who wait

You waited this long and this be your taste?

You took time to nail your coffin

I envy your ambidexterity.



Why enter just to endure

Since you can be free to enjoy

Your life is one and it ends too soon

I envy you a lot. Seems you love torture



Free you are. Sure.

A caged lion in a zoo is free too

Limited but to the ends of the cage

This sums up your case, to the letter and page



I do not know what you enjoy

You could be masochistic for all I know

Perhaps you feel more alive and good to go

When you know what punishment he has for you next.





Your smile has become so sad

Your laughter tell tales of bitterness

If this sad mien be your smiley face,

What then would sad look like?



Why stay locked up just to feel among

Your relationship status changes not a stock market pip

Why be sad when you can boldly stand,

Point to the door and kick him out.



I take my time to feel bad for you

Do take time and do yourself some good

Remain single and wait for the right one

Remember, everything good comes to those who wait.

So, if wishes were horses

I would prefer you stay single and happy



Take him to your door, you need not be snappy

Give him some money and kick him onto one of `em buses.





What happens when Philosophy meets with very vivid imagination?
Emmanuel Ibekwe is ‘who’ happens. I am a graduate of the University of
Ibadan, but, still a student of the School of Imagination situated
inside my world, I love penning down abstract thoughts poetically or
if need be, in an article. I guess that’s what happens when Philosophy
meets with Creativity and the willingness to express it.


LIFE ADDICT by Jonathan Oladeji

LIFE ADDICT by Jonathan Oladeji

Life Addict

Am just craving,
I mean my hands shaking,
Twitching for some…..

Just a:
Drag, fix, high!
Just one more time,
That sick hunger,
Foul thoughts,
and fading sights.

passionate love

Resolute and wretched,
My high resolution image,
A crook and wretch,
The bottle and booze,
Seducing my shiver,
Quivering lips.

I said No more!!

Yea just yesterday,
Hooked on life,
Yet death and her red lips,
The slender of her thighs,
My blunders remain,
While I soak in the smoke.

I got a fix of life,
Took a full drag of health,
Tasted strength,
Yes her supple breasts,
The whole of me said no!

A life addict.




Image source:

About the Author

Damilola Jonathan Oladeji is a Real Estate practitioner who loves to employ words, he is a Nigerian who believes in the power of spoken words to tangibly influence tomorrow, Mummify the past and keep the present in perspective.
He writes poems to capture the moments, stories to entice the readers into great attitudes and he loves the sound of music.


THE NIGHT TREASURE by Fisayo Obilaja

THE NIGHT TREASURE by Fisayo Obilaja


It was all dark and silent,

In a city filled with violence,

Crime was at the heart of every home,

There I was, at the city’s south gate,

Panting and silently ranting with annoyance

‘Cause there was none to rade!

‘Flickle-shikle’ I heard, sound of the city gates opening,

Pronto! my eyes and ears sprang up to alertness,

“Rich we’re tonight” I said to cosmos, my co-rader.

Slowly but surely, the late night visitor passed our little unnoticed cover.

Fat and chubby the visitor was,

Just like he eats yummy snack all his life

Exhilarated cosmos and I were,

Chucking and nodding our heads in anticipation of how thrilling his possessions would be.

Just in a moment,

There he was at the center of the city,

Looking somewhat confused! “This is the perfect moment” I concluded,

Boldly but fragile I walked, in an attempt catch my treasure for that night alone.

Staggering and dizzy like a real drunk the visitor became all too soon,

Confusion engulfed my heart!

With the despiracy still in me, I moved a little further and then, it happened,

Right into my criminal hands he slumped.


Quickly but steadily I dragged him into a narrow, silent and dark corner just before a tavern,

Hurryingly I lit my little candle and searched his body carefully for possessions while cosmos was on the watch.

In a second, I unwrapped his jacket off his chubby body, and then another jacket, and the next, and after that another and yet the fifth one!

In a great moment of surprise and confusion,

The visitor who seemed chubby was now a young beautiful lady that looked pale and exhausted!

That night, guilt and confusion ran through my veins.

Soon after, we were in my large but scanty room

“Puff-puff” she coughed taking a glass of the water.

And then, the simple beauty and smile of her face, tickled my little criminal heart!

I gazed at the empty space for a while saying

“Could it be Ade-Ronke the Oracle said I would meet some day?,

Or Ade-Dayo whom the Oracle said we’d be together? “

Only to ask of her name in a low tone, and behold

Aderonke-Adedayo her name indeed was.

“The gods be praised” I said at once!

Without haste, I soon stopped waiting at the city’s Gate, so did cosmos.

We soon fell ** ****, and the rest is history!

It was all dark and silent,

Aderonke-Adedayo, the treasure I caught that night!



About The Author

Obilaja Fisayo is a 200L computer engineering student at the Lagos state University. He has flair for poems, short stories and gives speeches and also indebted to in science. 




The Wise says:

TODAY is yesterday’s tomorrow

This week is last week’s next week

This month is last month’s next month

This year is last year’s new year

Alas, Time waits for no man

Tomorrow comes every TODAY I live.

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

The Lazy says:
Tomorrow is there

I have no need to sow

My quiver is full of grains

I have no need to buy seeds

Alas, Tomorrow came in the company of famine

Starvation and hunger had a field-day

The lazy starved and died tomorrow’s yesterday

The borrower says:

I am hungry now

Lend me this and that

I will pay on the full moon

The full-moon came and met him groping

Alas, The creditor knocked on the door
On the full-moon’s New-moon.

Image source:

My name is Francis Omode,a graduate of Mathematics from the University of Ibadan. I will share just two events from my life.  First, on 12th April 2014, in a meeting of Business Executives of a company I worked part-time, I was told to my face what looked like I’ve wasted 3 years of my life. In minutes I realized how the educational system failed in preparing me for the reality of life. I made up my mind to work on myself. I have not looked back since then. Two, “you can build your own things that other people would use” were the words of Steve Jobs that changed the way I look at life. It opened me up to the idea that a way to change the way people work,think,eat and love in Nigeria/Africa is to produce/promote “Made in Nigeria” products. For me, this is the future of Business in Nigeria.