by KREATIVE DIADEM | Apr 8, 2015 | POEMS
Came into your life unnoticed,
when it seems people do not recognize your existence,
when you feel odd among your peers.
Tried to straighten your life style that seems not to be meaningful,
Just because nothing can really define the kind of life you live.
Has always been standing even though sometimes
you feel you do not worth standing for.
The lifestyle you live is not because you want it,
just that you have always longed for that person that
will encourage you to get into that more exciting and fulfilled live.

Did not promise to be there during the storm,
but it is amazing that the rain couldn’t wash away that friendship
and its still standing.
Now laughs at your dry jokes,
Gives a shoulder to lean on and listening ears for your complaints and cries.
Has always been there to love you,
Care and pray for you
Sees the sorrows behind the smiles,
Understands when you scream and yell.
Believes in your dreams,
Has patience to protect your heart,
Has hopes in your dry bones.
Understands what it means to be there for you,
Doesn’t need to make promises when the sun is shining.
That one person.
About the Author
Olaitan Taiwo is a graduate of Economics from the University of Ibadan. She is a Make-up Artist who loves writing and currently an Editor for The Unity Magazine. She is an individual who believes in independence and advocates for girl child education. She is a creative lady who sees possibilities in difficulties. She is a listener focused on sharing her experiences to help young girls who are faced with life challenges. She is the brain behind the girlfriend’s club, a platform towards the outstanding performance of the girl child. She is also into the HIV/AIDS awareness and education.
The gentle breeze from the ocean whistled past the shores after the waves pushed ripples of water to hit the bank, the whooshing sound of the waves, the honking of the ships and yelling of the sailors planning for their next trip permeated the atmosphere. The port of Rotterdam is one of the largest ports in the world, always busy with different kinds of activities. Several licensed companies generated income from the port; one of them is Jeffrey’s Marina which provided shelter for tens of thousands of small fishing boats used by the local fishermen and tourists for occasional fishing.
Exhausted from the haste to meet up with the early morning schedule, legs heavy as lead and thighs stiff as a board, Ruth Van Bowen trudged and panted for air as she entered the gates of the Rotterdam Port. She has got 15 minutes more to make it to office as the early morning briefing starts by 8:00am prompt. Ruth, a conscientious twenty-five year old lady was known by her superiors as one of the brilliant heads running Jeffrey’s Marina; outspoken, bold, brainy all masked by a beautiful face. She had little or no respect for her subordinates or anyone considered to be a dullard, only individuals of her caste kept up with her as friends.
At 7:52am, she was just some few metres away from her Marina when she heard screams
“Help!!!!!! ”
She snapped her head back as she turned to look for the person in need. As her deep blue eyes scanned the area, she spotted a tearful bald-headed man trapped in a building gutted by flames. She was shocked and bewildered wondering how a stranger could have the guts to scream to her for help. The man was on the second floor of the three-storey building as he pointed towards the garage door on the ground floor amidst his hysterical screams for help. Dressed in his under wears as he had used his suit and trousers as a coat of protection through the sweltering flames and his fair-complexioned skin was darkened by the black soot from the flames. Ruth dressed impeccably in a white trouser suit, a red Italian hand bag and a pair of red high-heel shoes looked at him without an iota of pity. Pointed at the man with her finger and pointed also at her wrist watch meaning there is no luxury of time for such help. The irritating clicking of the high-heeled shoes as they hit the kerb signalled the majestic catwalk of Ruth as she headed for her office. She is a stickler for ostentatious gestures to display her pride. Barely a month ago, her closest friend, Jane told her about her obvious pride and disregard for the common-looking folks only to answer her in a rude way:
“I know that I am proud, I love it because I do get results and it gives me attention. I love the attention!!! ” she blurted out.
She however made it to the office by 7:58am and the click of her card in the identity recognition panel at the entrance granted her access into the building.

Two weeks later
The colorful ceremony which rocked Rotterdam hosted people from different walks of life, it was the unveiling of the new board members of Jeffrey’s Marina. A new board after a decade was drenched in wild celebrations. Due to her excellent communication skills, Ruth was beckoned up by the Planning Committee to anchor the programme alongside one of her admirers, Smith Campbell. As the programme dragged to its beautiful end, it was time for the annual awards.
The New CEO of Jeffrey’s Marina, Dr. Sonck Van Gogh dressed in his cream-colored Tuxedo walked majestically to the podium. This is the first time in the history of the company that the position of the CEO was advertised externally and produced a CEO who is new to the system. The time everyone had being waiting painstakingly for finally came.
“The award of the best staff of the year goes to no other person than an efficient, humble, hardworking and compassionate fellow who had not only discharged his duties properly but also represented this company well to the outside world. Give it up for Mr. Frederick Douglas.” Sonck gladly announced.
With heads swinging and faces lost in awe, Fred, a rookie and one of the most unlikely guys to land an award in his first year marched to meet Van Gogh in the middle of the hall amidst resounding roar of applause. As he made his way back to his seat, Sonck’s voice filled the air:
“The motto of Jeffrey’s Marina is? ” he asked.
“Service and humility” the mammoth crowd responded.
“This young man bagged the award for saving my life and that of my three beautiful daughters two weeks ago from a building lost in a gust of flames. It was a show of love, bravery, humility and service to humanity. The company’s name was mentioned honorably in the media because one of our employees saved a stranger in dire need of help. Funny enough the alien has now found his to the top of the company.”
Obsessed with the dreams of winning the award for the past three weeks, doom finally struck as her shoulders sagged and head plunged down surveying the glistening tiles of the floor. With the award gone and Van Gogh as the new CEO, this was definitely the end…..
© 2015 by Osho Samuel Adetunji
by KREATIVE DIADEM | Apr 6, 2015 | POEMS
This day
At this flourishing bay
You remember?
Around that September
This spot
On this soil I sought
You’ve remembered?
Around that September
Ah-ah Eva!
At the bank of this river
Said you loved my cool
Said I loved yours too

Dinner with the King
That fetcher boy
Whom you exchanged with, joy
Yes! On this earthen place
Though you later promised the space
Saying to me, “Hail”
The third time would be the scale
One abracadabra was what escaped your mouth
And this is going to be the seventh of my shout
Ha! My dear Eva!
Thou beautiful lady of water
To what shall I likened you
To a bronze or golden pool
Don’t let Mama’s dream comes true
To marry Morountodun, that weary dude
Oops! Adetoun, the princess
Nothing to compare to your wrist self
To what shall I likened you
To a bronze or golden pool
We were together…
You should remember
Around that September
Said you loved my cool
Said I loved yours too….
About the Author
I was born on 19th Feb. 1996. I hail from Ikire the land of Dodo, Osun state. I attended Holy Cross Catholic Primary School, Ikire. Having graduated, I was admitted to Saint Augustine’s Commercial Grammar School where I was elected as the Social prefect boy of my set. I was then one of the competitors group, a group said to be the community of the intellectuals. Having succeeded in the secondary school, I opted to study Medicine in the great citadel of knowledge; The Lagos State University, Ojo which was successful but to a different course, Physics.
by KREATIVE DIADEM | Mar 31, 2015 | POEMS
This clamour for fame and power,
Firm and strong like a rigid tower,
Dredging higher even lower,
Like the stench of a fury fowler.
Can this be an ambition or slain esteem,
Craving for power and rule to redeem,
Oh! a wretch reaching to cleanse a spleen,
Helpless in his own cause and plea.
Awake oh youth; as this drama unfolds,
Unveiling the mask as you behold,
The masteries of greed it holds,
Representing the truth it can’t uphold.

Oh that this poll would be free and fair!
The right of freedom and its shares,
Lowly citizens would gladly bear,
The dividends of patriotism made bare.
Watch it! leaders and custodians be aware,
Ride on majestically in greed but beware,
The theft that rip the whole nation naked,
Will leave your own generations half baked.
Let this poll be a hallmark of truth,
Though its past and present seem crooked,
Refined your path amidst its brook,
Till its integrity enrich us all.
About the Author
Adeya Oluwatoyin Pleasant was born to Nigeria parents, Mr. and Mrs Adeya Ambrose, hails from Ondo state, Nigeria. She graduated from the Federal university of Technology Akure where she bagged honours in Crop science. She loves writing, reading and other creative works. Currently, she is in the practice of Crop science and fashion design.
She speaks of hope and dispatch it in the simplest form possible to all who cares to listen; influencing youths positively to step into emerging horizons. She is renowned for honesty and truth and she hates injustice.
by KREATIVE DIADEM | Mar 22, 2015 | POEMS
A heart of worship
I see holy hands,
Numerous as the seashore sand,
Responding to a worship band,
Yet expecting miracles from a magic wand,
Desperate voices scream for fame,
All muttering Jesus name,
Gambling with Christ as if in a game,
Making the church so lame,
Ecclesia stooped so low,
Obstructing the spirit’s flow,
Cringing at the sight of the Devil’s blow,
Licking wounds inflicted by the Accuser’s arrow,

As the strings and the trumpets peep,
Thousands weep,
Like Jonah in a fishy Jeep,
But their spirit is in a deep sleep,
Sunday is a day for the Halleluyah song,
Danced all week to the Devil’s gong,
Tossed and oppressed like a ping pong,
In need of a coal from heaven’s tong,
Beautiful to the eyes,
Like a stack of cherry pies,
Rotten on the inside with lies,
A meal fit for a swarm of flies,
Worship is not singing with strife,
After fighting with your wife,
Threatening to stab her with a knife,
Worship is living a holy life,
Not the swaying of hip,
Not the mumblings of the lip,
Not the hopping of men chased by Masquerade’s whip,
But honoring God’s love with a heart of true worship.
© 2015 by OSHO SAMUEL Adetunji
About the Author
Osho Samuel Adetunji is a graduate of Mechanical Engineering from Nigeria’s premier University, University of Ibadan. He is a poet, a blogger, a Public Speaker, an on air personality with a knack for short stories, inspirational articles and poems. He is a great thinker, creative and dexterous young man who does not only believe in excellence but also extols the tenets of discipline, hard work and effectiveness. He is an award-winning individual who is multifaceted and consistently measures success by effective impact.
He is a writer per excellence with articles published on VAVANE AFRICA, THE SCOOPNG, KONNECT AFRICA, Paarapo and Home zone media. He co-founded THE COURTROOM in 2012 with Tijani Mayowa. He is the founder of KREATIVE DIADEM, a new initiative which kicked off on March 1, 2015.
You can follow him on Twitter with the handle: @inisamosho.
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