by KREATIVE DIADEM | Mar 11, 2015 | POEMS
Piercing Arrows
These are friends of mine
I don’t go in
I go out
Out of their private lives
Out of their selfish desires
This one is Christina
A journalist
She is gem
A lady of class
She is very religious
Don’t mind what you heard
Between her and the pastor
Of Rutherene Church down the road
They just like each other
But question the finance minister
Who comes to her place on Saturday nights

Selfish thoughts
Oh! Meet Julian
A Shopkeeper at Wulian
Remember that suit mommy wore
At my Graduation
She bought it from there at discount
Everyone thinks she is heaven sent
And I must not lose her
But one day I will
For real
Imagine, she insists we go clubbing on friday nights
Get intoxicated by those disco lights
Then what??? What?? Tell me
Yes! You’ve seen her before
She is so cute, is she not?
That’s Talia
redoing her M.S.C.E
They told her it’s the only way
she can make it to the bar
No no no no…as in BAR
Nothing great is easy you know
She just have to cut down on pills
And abortions
They will escort her to the grave
as young as she is
Ehem! And Triza as well
She is still in college
Working hard to become
What she is becoming
I love her the most
Still got to deal with her rage
It sucks at times
And not good for her profession

It is all mine!
These are friends of mine
I don’t go in
I go out
Out of their private lives
Out of their selfish desires
(By me, The God Centered Poet)
About the Author
Wisdom Henry Magomero Uledi Studied Law at Staff Development Institute in Blantyre, Malawi. He is now The Publicity Secretary for the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian Youth Urban Ministry (CCAPYUM) resident in Malawi’s Capital, Lilongwe. The Spoken Word Poet is sobriqueted as “The God Centered Poet” For His recitals do the linking of souls by bringing them to Christ, in heavens wing.
by KREATIVE DIADEM | Mar 11, 2015 | POEMS
The Golden Bells ring,
The beautiful birds sing,
The future smiles on an Eagle’s wing,
Ready to coronate a King,
Long before the prince learnt a rhyme,
Sages told him the worth of time,
If valued brings more than a dime,
Never to live a life like a pantomime,
Time fades away like a lightning,
Time flies without resting,
Time moves without complaining,
Time presents the cake of the future with an icing,
Ashes of past glories blown by the wind,
Beams of dreams flood the mind,
Sheaves of knowledge gather in a bind,
Rays of vision so hard to find,

Look into the future
Plans to nurture,
Pieces of inspiration forming a big picture,
Building a strong foundation so sure,
Knitting a fabric of integrity so pure,
Remove the garment of mediocrity,
Chase the FUTURE with alacrity,
Gird your loin with the belt of chastity,
Until the FUTURE becomes a reality,
THE FUTURE is not in the distant lands of the immortals,
The FUTURE is for those who will prepare for it,
The FUTURE is here,
Here comes the FUTURE,
With decorous smiles to allure,
With edifying words to cure,
With fangs of pruning to endure,
Here comes the FUTURE,
With a mandate to fulfill every day,
With a goal to achieve every minute,
With a blessing to share every second,
Anxiety beckons,
The cloud of uncertainty gathers,
The rain of nemesis rumbles,

The Future is here
For the prepared,
For the hardworking planters of destiny,
For the focused prince fit to be called a KING,
With a crown to coronate kings,
A seal of excellence with a signet ring,
A ticket to ride on an Eagle’s wing,
P.S.: This work was inspired by two great quotes which are: “The future starts today, not tomorrow.” – Former Pope Of the Catholic Church, Pope John Paul I & “We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.” – American Engineer, R. Buckminster Fuller.
Prepare for your FUTURE NOW
© 2015 by Osho Samuel Adetunji
About the Author of THE FUTURE
Osho Samuel Adetunji is a graduate of Mechanical Engineering from Nigeria’s premier University, University of Ibadan. He is a poet, a blogger, a Public Speaker, an on air personality with a knack for short stories, inspirational articles and poems. He is a writer per excellence with articles published on VAVANE AFRICA, THE SCOOPNG, KONNECT AFRICA, Paarapo and Home zone media. He co-founded THE COURTROOM in 2012 with Tijani Mayowa. He is the founder of KREATIVE DIADEM, a new initiative which kicked off on March 1, 2015.
He is an inspirational young man who is addicted to going an extra mile in all facets of life. He is also a lover of football, tennis and boxing. You can follow him on Twitter with the handle: @inisamosho.
My eyeballs retracted back into its socket like the antennae of a snail hitting an obstruction, goose bumps surfaced on my skin like raindrops on a shiny surface, compassion gripped my heart as it began to shed tears. I shuddered and trembled, this definitely was not because of fear but I was rather overwhelmed by a gust of sympathy.
The polished surface was creased with flakes of dirt and fragments of soot trapped beneath the horizon. Fire kissed the surface with its lethal venom spitting scars like a viper. The surface gave way to intense heat and lost its once adored status to the brutal flames. Two weeks ago, it was shining like a refined gold attracting the attention of all and sundry. Men wanted to touch it and ladies prayed all night for one.

And the beauty died
Though we exchanged pleasantries and she had spent close to five minutes in the cab, my eyes groped around trying to steal a closer look at the degree of skin burn she suffered. I was lost in the pool of pity and compassion; both my probing eyes and melancholic voice kept saying “sorry” to the beautiful damsel. She was a young beautiful fair-complexioned lady with large eyes hidden behind a pair of sunglasses. I had been staring at her legs and thighs which were covered with fresh wounds sustained from a fire accident. The fairness of the skin was ridden with spots and torn apart by the heat. The only word I could utter was “sorry” until she alighted from the cab.
I saw the fleeting deceit of beauty, the vanity of a fair-complexioned skin, the ephemeral nature of handsomeness, the evanescent smoke of a gorgeous face and the transitory echo of a melodious voice. I had serious pity on men who are tossed and swayed by their eyes like reeds beside the river. They think with their eyes and not their heads as they plunge into the loch of lust calling it love. They are lost in lust and it takes only a test of time for their eyes to be opened.
P.S.: Build your fortress of fortune around character and not beauty which will soon vanish. Ask couples how soon the fragrance of beauty vanished after sipping a bottle of honey in the moon. A beautiful face and a handsome face will not give you a great home if it is not supported by a personality of good character. Character speaks long after the funeral of beauty; it fills the chamber of destiny long after the fragrance of beauty has disappeared into the thin air.
© 2015 by Osho Samuel Adetunji
About the Author
Osho Samuel Adetunji is a graduate of Mechanical Engineering from Nigeria’s premier University, University of Ibadan. He is a poet, a blogger, a Public Speaker, an on air personality with a knack for short stories, inspirational articles and poems. He is a writer per excellence with articles published on VAVANE AFRICA, THE SCOOPNG, KONNECT AFRICA, Paarapo and Home zone media. He co-founded THE COURTROOM in 2012 with Tijani Mayowa. He is the founder of KREATIVE DIADEM, a new initiative which kicked off on March 1, 2015.
He is an inspirational young man who is addicted to going an extra mile in all facets of life. He is also a lover of football, tennis and boxing. You can follow him on Twitter with the handle: @inisamosho.
by KREATIVE DIADEM | Mar 10, 2015 | POEMS
I think dreams find us because we are young
And free like this air around us
For I often wonder
How dreams, wings detached
And nestling in our sprightly nest,
Soon grow plumages and join the flight into age
Somewhere under this same sky
And a full moon
Announcing the passage of many seasons
An aged prodigal also wonders
How quickly time leaps, how quickly
Dreams shed their plumages in flight

Dreams hanging in space
Adeoba Gbenga
About the Author
‘Gbenga Adeoba is a lover of words. His poems have appeared in Sankofa LitMag, Bukrepublik and elsewhere.

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by KREATIVE DIADEM | Mar 9, 2015 | POEMS
Am Pregnant! Yes Pregnant! And For You!
I tried an abortion but failed like a coup
Pregnant like a dove not like a turtle-dove
Not with a child but with your subtle-love
Pregnant like the succulent grasses of the rain forest
I’m lost in the amazing maze of mesmerizing interest
Pregnant like the clouds about to pour with zest
I’m lost in my conquest to find your love on hillcrests
I have been arrested beaten and molested
By the gods of interest and the demons of pursuit
Yet I never give up to pain and despair
Though I have a sprain yet I ascend your stairs
Not to rest but to deliver my pregnancy
Not in discrepancy but with all decency
I have the tendency to fail but all I ask is clemency
from your heart and soul where I hope there is vacancy

Delivering my pregnancy
I have climbed the highest hills
Just to tell you how I feel
I have crossed the largest seas
Just to show you the future I see
I Have lived in valleys
Just to express my values
I have hunted for miles
Just to see you full of smiles
The winds of love bend the branches of my heart in one direction
The tides of your affection leave me with fondness as infection
The sun of your feelings hit me hard like electrons
The rainstorms of passion sting me like injections
In Pains yet in pleasure
In deserted plains yet I find you to treasure
Tho my emotions mount pressure
Yet I endeavor to give you leisure
Your lips is sweeter than refined colostrum
Your heartbeat is more sonorous than my subtle drums
Your skin is as cool and tender as the morning dew
Your words taste as sweet as the African woman’s stew
Forget Zuma and Abuja come with me to Kilimanjaro
Let me swear my love in the presence of Cupid’s arrow
Let us have an exchange of hearts and rings
Lets us leave my kins and live as queen and king.
Words would try, but ail
Verses would aim but fail
Thousands of poems may be to no avail
But let not your heart be veiled
Lovers may say; “till death do us part”
But I say; even death cannot cross our path
Just like a pair of dice
This love will toss us to paradise.
—TIJANI, Oluwamayowa Emmanuel!
About the Author
His prowess as the poet, writer and administrator saw him through as the editor-in-Chief of the much revered Mellanby Hall Press organization, (The first Hall of residence in any sub-saharan University). As the Editor-in-Chief, he drove the organization to being the best Press organization on campus in 2013[UCJ, CAMPUS TIMES AWARDS], as he was also awarded most outstanding Pressman for 2013 and 2014 (Campus Times award and JCI FOPA).
As a witty public speaker, Tijani became arguably the finest speaker on any Nigerian campus, following his win at the Nigerian Championship of Public Speaking (Abuja 2013). Till his exit from the University of Ibadan, he stood out as the university’s finest satirist via his numerous political prosaic renditions on and off social media. Tijani is currently serving his fatherland as a practising Journalist who wants the best for his country.

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