by Steven Dangu
These scars are the failed
Miracles of life, the ones I failed to believe
My rush-days and failures were
Answered prayers I was praying
The cup passing over me
Not knowing they were part of the process
Of my creation, in my creation, for my betterment.
No regrets now, the process ain’t despised
Each piece is making each step clearer
Each step of the way is bringing the ideas together
As each idea in all of we is making us, making
Life more understandable here
Revealing the beauty that seemed
Never there or that couldn’t be imagined.
Your smile is a healing ministry in itself
Showering blessings on blessings
Keep shining that eternal smile upon me
That lets me know how you are glad with me
How perfectly magical you are when you smile
The whole world stops, stares, marvels and professes
The majesty you carry in your smile.


My name is Dangu Steven Simon, from Jos. Studied Medical Laboratory Sciences at the University of Jos. My love for Art got me into writing. Art is beautiful and Art is Life.



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