by KREATIVE DIADEM | Oct 14, 2017 | POEMS
On the black rose hill,
Where no morning warmth hugs,
The mild expected no cuddle;
The freely priceless love,
And compassion shown,
Was welcomed with rebukes,
The rebukes of stripes.
Love was brute.
Without any lullaby,
No applauds or cheers,
With chants of crucify,
With blows and bruises,
Of shame and curses,
Mockery and laughs,
Laughs of scorn;
Love showed hate.
Without any words;
Calming words of affirmation,
She showed forth thorns,
Thorns as crown,
Trickles of vinegar,
Spits and slaps,
Strokes and ripping;
The ripping of death,
Death that was being swallowed;
Love bore cruelty.
With no feeling,
Feelings of compassion,
She nailed him still,
She spilled the gall,
And dared to say;
Let us see,
See who would save,
From this grip,
The grip that bore freedom;
Love walked still.
And as he looked,
At the bride he did love,
The same that pierced,
The same that sneered,
More love,
More love He poured.
From the wounds that bled,
That love was sealed.
Sealed with blood;
His stainless blood.
I am Eghele Akpere, I live in Warri. I am the author of a novel, Diary of a Warri Boy. I am a geoscientist, who loves discovering new things. I keep on understanding myself more, and I found out that I love poetry (for the beauty of it). I get better, as I appreciate corrections.
by KREATIVE DIADEM | Apr 11, 2015 | POEMS
Once upon a time were
Certain men who pored
Over scrolls and much fanfare
To attain the history of the Lord
These were men with intelligence
Who walked the streets head high
Others bowed to look through their lens
Into the promise of the Most High
But the Nazarene came to change history
Challenging all they knew of the Books
He came and told a different story
Of forgiveness and how Heaven looks

So they plotted, planned and maimed
One who held the world in His hands
Using His shield better than they aimed
They set the time for breaking Hell’s bands
So today we thank them for their duty
But yet urge their descendants to take heed
In their anger they put into Earth beauty
Refusing to believe, unknowingly letting God lead
Tosin Oguntuase
About the Author
Tosin Oguntuase is a graduate of Economics from Nigeria’s premier University. She loves reading, writing and amusing herself in her head. She currently teaches in Abia State.
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