It’s all right
when a man loves a woman

Love becomes easy
when a man loves a woman

It’s all fair
when a man loves a woman

Love is in the air
when a man loves a woman

It’s all unconditional
in to the moon and back
when a man loves a woman

Love becomes hell
when a boy loves a girl
barks and fights
are days and nights
when a boy loves a girl

Photo credit: www.the anatomyoflove.com

Photo credit: www.the anatomyoflove.com

Grudges serve the dinner and
Abuses do the bed
when a boy loves a girl

Lust is levigated
violence turns a desire
when a boy loves a girl

It never happens,
when a man loves a woman

Love is question
peace is the answer
when a man loves a woman

words are not needed
when love overwhelms
Destiny can be changed
when a man loves a woman.

Love becomes easy
when a man loves a woman.
It’s all right
when a man loves a woman.

Vihasi Shah is an Indian lady with vision and mission. Constant learner and human with utmost humanity who wants to spread smile on every one’s face and wants to see world as one and combined lovable artistic place to live.
Lawyer in process, company secretary, writer, anchor, teacher, and volunteer. You can have a cool sneak peak at some of my works by paying a visit to my blog -https://everlastingsmilewisdom.wordpress.com



There is no place for you
in the future
You won the past
and as you struggle with the present
to re-captivate my mind
For certain, you’ve come to your fall
Never will I think of you again

I looked into your eyes, yesterday
All I saw in them was pain
Looking in the other direction, you hoped
would carry away your regret
in driving away your soulmate
Remember, I were the dream you dreamt
The ecstasy that will never evaporate

Why did you do it, girl
Under which circumstance or spell
did you let me go, girl
Look at where you are, now
Together we would have been further, sure

Optimized-broken relationship

Source: www.archetypes.com

The girl responds…
Who do you really think you are
You and I couldn’t have gone far
we had lost all sense of direction
and were destined to crush into a hard waterfall
I jumped out of the “relation” ship
and used a boat to escape
It’s about time, you did the same

I felt pain that was true
But it was not for my soul
It was for you…. You seem sad
Why did you mess us up
I prayed yesterday to the heavens
to grant me the grace to forgive you
For it is apparent you are damaged
I was the only girl you could have managed.

KD poem plate 11

Wisdom Henry Magomero Uledi Studied Law at Staff Development Institute in Blantyre, Malawi. He is now The Publicity Secretary For The Church of Central Africa Presbyterian Youth Urban Ministry (CCAPYUM) resident in Malawi’s Capital, Lilongwe. The Spoken Word Poet is sobriqueted as “The God Centered Poet” For His recitals do the linking of souls by bringing them to Christ,in heavens wing.
SUMMER BLUE by Ray Ndebi

SUMMER BLUE by Ray Ndebi

Give me that bottle of wind, and a glass
and let me fill it up with those “alas”
life brought along the way I have been through
as I was searching for ways to love you

I’m now dying to dive into your smile
The time for this sunk drink to run dry
We both know our bodies are dancing here
Though our hearts have gone away from their Dear

Yours more than mine, alas! You seemed more involved…
Your kisses and your hands used to mean love…
Is it fair to call it so, when my heart
now knows it danced with mirage from the start

I let my today’s hopes and tomorrow’s
to the dawn of those eyes where my sorrows
were promised a dusk. Alas! I believed
that you would comfort me, and never leave


You knew I needed you, Summer, you knew
Were you only named like that, Summer Blue…
Such a beautiful spell cast on my soul
How could I resist the breath of your call

No other wonder shall I see again
My dreams were scattered by the heavy rain
I’m blind, it would hurt to open my eyes
My apples are washed out, blank of your lies

You were a lie. Weren’t you? Please tell me
Since you’re gone, I beg you to set me free
I’m only left with this bottle of wind
This tainted glass, and the fragrance of a queen

KD poem plate 4

Yet you are, alas! A beautiful one
that I shall dearly miss time after time
Let me drink, please, till the ultimate breath
Kindly stay until I embrace your death.‎

My name is Théodore René Ndebi, born in Cameroon. I graduated in Banking Management. But what really makes me proud and happy is WRITING. I started writing around 1990. I write the most I can. I mostly write for children’s future. As a child, I had always dreamt of a world where poor children and orphans could be happy as well. I have many unpublished collections in French: Chaque Jour Un Poème, Rêve D’un Soir, La Missive Du Petit Prince, Suis-Je Assez Bien Pour Toi… I’m also an author of unpublished novels in French (Cierge Noir, Plus Violent Que L’amour, Les Fruits De La Tempête…). My first published novel; THE LAST GHOST/Son Of Struggle got published in 2013 by AuthorhouseUK; it appeared in the LOS Angeles Times Festival Of Books Catalogue 2014 Page 8. Available online @ Amazon, Kindle, AuthorhouseUK, Barnes & Noble, Indie. I wrote numerous award-winning texts. I am a Book Reviewer and Translator. I am a member of OneAfricanChild since 2013 and Co-Founder of Le Salon Du Livre Yaounde-Cameroon. You can check my works on: authorrayndebi.wordpress.com. Ray Ndebi on Facebook, @RTNdebi on Twitter, Facebook Page My Soul & Mon Ame.
MUSINGS OF A SINGLE LADY by ‘Bukola Ibirogba

MUSINGS OF A SINGLE LADY by ‘Bukola Ibirogba


In a corner, all alone
In pairs, people pass me by.
Hand in hand, smile to smile.
I am invisible, faded into the background.

I sit and ponder.
Is it my fault? I wonder.
Maybe I’ve been too hasty to dismiss,
Eager young men asking for a kiss,
Time weighs heavily on my mind,
Age seems to no longer be on my side.

Maybe, it’s time I threw in the towel,
Maybe, it’s time to give up, or grovel,
I sit here, all alone.
Left with my hopes and dreams, all alone,
Single, not broken, yet full of hope

musing of a lady

And so I sit once again,
Full of hope, also full of pain,
Pain so raw that it grips my very soul,
Hope so great that my heart’s bells toll,
It’s easy for them, it’s hardest for me.

The geese, the goats, even the insects,
Have followed nature’s course with great effect,
In twos, they move, each with a mate,
I smile, pretend, saying there’s a lot on my plate.
Only I know the tears I cry behind closed doors.

My laughter has become mirthless
My careful looks have become careless.
I ask myself if anyone pays attention,
To the fact that my face is now tight with tension
Day after day, I feel my hope fade away.

Single was I born into this world,
But will I leave single?
The fire of hope burns less brightly now.
I have accepted that not everyone is destined,
To spend their lives with another.

I sit again,
Without hope, I am numb.
Pain increases so greatly, my heart is dumb,
Never again will I sing the song of hope.
I wait single, broken now, waiting to be healed.


‘Bukola Ibirogba is a student of the Faculty of Law, University of Ibadan. She draws inspiration for her poetry from her love for God and everyday issues.

THE BEST I EVER HAVE by Tijani Oluwamayowa

THE BEST I EVER HAVE by Tijani Oluwamayowa


I should call you the best I ever had

But that wouldn’t just be false, it will also be hard

It wouldn’t just be mean it will also not be me

You never become my past – no, you won’t pass by me

My days are few but the best were with you

My nights are short and filled with dreams of you

I abhor the nights ‘cos they fuel undying memories of you

I detest my dreams ‘cos I get to see the you I never would have

I try to see your heart and soul

Via the lenses of the space in my heart – the hole

But my gaze may leave me blind – the mole

‘Cos your soul shines like a star – at night and day

Your memories would always be fresh – my star

You, my book and bake would never become a scar

Valentine special image

Rest, assured that though our hands may part

My heart, thoughts and affection would never depart

Our paths may part — but our love transcends paths

The world may spell us apart but like a horse and its cart

We are the art of hearts – never to be understood.

I’d remember the fights with fierce tears

I’d gaze into the future with fresh fears

The memories of your smiles would drown my tears

The soothing whispers of your voice would choke my fears

Till the last of my breath – you I’d cherish

I’d protect you always – even when I perish

Your affection strong, fierce, inexplicable – like the wind

Your love like a pin in hay stack would be hard to find

I love you!

Image source: www.iwhatsappstatus.in
Special Valentine Series – February 14, 2016
Tijani Oluwamayowa is a poet, witty speaker, and award-winning Journalist. He was awarded most outstanding Pressman at University of Ibadan for 2013 and 2014.
As a public speaker, Tijani became arguably the finest speaker on any Nigerian campus, following his win at the Nigerian Championship of Public Speaking (Abuja 2013). Follow @Oluwamayowa_TJ

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