by KC Manuel

by KC Manuel
by Samuel Kolawole Adebayo
by Yusuff Uthman Adekola
What to imagine by Yusuff Uthman Adekola – Shortlist (Top Five) of the 2018 Kreative Diadem Annual Creative Writing Contest (Poetry Category)
Imagine you were a fish
Placed on a sandy line between water and land,
Feeling the caressing touch of life on one end
Yet feeling the peeling scorch of death on the
Imagine. Just imagine.
Imagine you were a bulb
Dangling and dancing to the wobbly rhythm of the Abiku,
Celebrating your glowing garment for a second swiftly murdered
But soon mourning your drowning light for a million faceless years…
Imagine. Just imagine.
Imagine you were a pot
Twerking to the sweltering me(a)
Spitting grief through a cloudy rise of curly steam
Yet spraying the aroma of hope into hungry nostrils…
Imagine. Just imagine.
by Kamarudeen Mustapha
And brew a pot of honey in my veins
I converse with the wild hues of the wilderness
And win
Today I befriend the weaverbirds and their tweeting colony
See how fast I become a chatterbox of modern lore
I imitate the Nightingale and its solemn notes
See how fast I become a singer of fortune
The day I imitate the oracle,
I will become a poet of vision
I will borrow its mystic gaze
That threads the innards of truth
I will borrow its nimble feet
That walk the labyrinth of wisdom
Tired of borrowing, I may steal its prophetic flames
That burn the dross covering the gems of tomorrow
by Adedayo Ademokoya
by Patron Henekou
I dote on you so much
I want us to date
In the name of the scriptures.
Oh Maria, let
And we will restart the calendar.
But you know
I’m civilized now and don’t mind having
The Baby out of wedlock
Though people gossip too much these days!
Show me your virgin boobs
Oh no, no-no-no, not in their kerchief, Maria
Let’s see if they really stand with the dots straight on them.
You never believe me:
I dote on you. I dote on you.
I don’t even say I am still a virgin with silicone attractions
Oh Maria, you-miss-understands-the-world, today.
It’s not a matter of “believe”. You’ve placed your doting
On the cross. Just nail the thing up:
Anything about how you feel
And please fill in the
Using simple punctuations and spiritual emoji!
Maria, people are waiting to re-write the scriptures.
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