Every morning he would cry
His only urge now is to die
Even with a thousand wings he couldn’t fly
He wishes happiness is a thing he can buy

He watches as his whole life crashes
His achievements in the past burnt to ashes
His hope for a better future dashes
Against the rock his redemption smashes

weeping man

He walks around but he’s dead inside
His life has become a pain on his side
He’s caught and lost in life’s strong tide
He wishes he could find a cave forever to hide

Time after time he speaks in his mind
Time continues to wind
If only he can rewind
And change events from behind


Durodola Folarin Quadri. Born on the first of January 1991. I attended the university of Ibadan as a student of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering. Editor-in-Chief of the departmental press organisation. I like books and one of the best I ever read was Living, Loving and Learning by Professor Felice Leonardo Buscaglia. I enjoy sports and computer games. Poetry gives me succour when I write about how I feel. Most times I write based on real situations because they inspire me more than imagination. I’m quiet and sometimes I’m being labelled as shy, while some simply say I’m an introvert.





My heart shakes with fear
Of losing someone so dear
The one for whom I care

You own my heart
Please do not tear it apart
From where should I again start?

Now my nights are so long
And my pain is so strong
For to you does my heart belong

You’ve been my source of peace
Into my life you brought bliss
Now all I want to say is please

Fear is terrible!

Fear is terrible!

With you my heart is secure
To my aching heart you’re the cure
Because you came with a heart so pure

Your attributes are sublime
Good qualities prime
The best of your time

So do not leave me alone
Living life on my own
Please pity my sober tone




Durodola Folarin Quadri. Born on the first of January 1991. I attended the university of Ibadan as a student of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering. Editor-in-Chief of the departmental press organisation. I like books and one of the best I ever read was Living, Loving and Learning by Professor Felice Leonardo Buscaglia. I enjoy sports and computer games. Poetry gives me succour when I write about how I feel. Most times I write based on real situations because they inspire me more than imagination. I’m quiet and sometimes I’m being labelled as shy, while some simply say I’m an introvert.





Time’s moving fast
Behind me is my past
Don’t know what deed will be my last

Can I live without God?
What’s my life without my Lord?
Lord before you break my life’s cord
Make my deeds follow your word

My life is far from pure
Dear Lord I need a cure
Everyday I see the devil’s lure
My epithet – a spiritual amateur

Brain - the wheel of thoughts! Source: Internet images.

Brain – the wheel of thoughts! Source: Internet images.


Lost is my glory
So sad is my story
When I’m gone what shall be my memory
How shall the world write my history

I was born to die
And I know I only laugh to cry
But when in my grave I lie
To eat me will the ants be shy?

What shall be my lot?
Joy or hurt?
Lord when I’m in your Court
Do not judge me like the people of Lot





Durodola Folarin Quadri. Born on the first of January 1991. I attended the university of Ibadan as a student of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering. Editor-in-Chief of the departmental press organisation. I like books and one of the best I ever read was Living, Loving and Learning by Professor Felice Leonardo Buscaglia. I enjoy sports and computer games. Poetry gives me succour when I write about how I feel. Most times I write based on real situations because they inspire me more than imagination. I’m quiet and sometimes I’m being labelled as shy, while some simply say I’m an introvert.




We’ve endured the pain for so long
But our feeling is still strong
There’s still hope for us
Our girls will return to us

Our hearts weep
And we hardly sleep
Our girls are still missing
And we keep thinking and crying

365 days in bondage
At a very young age
I swear I can’t bear it
But our girls are bearing the heat

Tears in my eyes
I wish I could pay the price
For the freedom of our girls
Our precious pearls

Nobel Peace Prize Winner for 2014, Malala campaigning against the kidnapping of the Chibok girls. Source: internet images.

Nobel Peace Prize Winner for 2014, Malala campaigning against the kidnapping of the Chibok girls. Source: internet images.

We don’t even know where they are
Near or far
That’s the most painful part
That pierces my heart

I know what the mothers cry for
But I can’t explain the agony and the horror
Of losing a daughter in one night
Without being able to give a fight

It took Malala’s words
For our president to search for our wards
We protested
Wept and demonstrated

Bring back our girls Now!

Bring back our girls Now!

But we still hope
Even in pain we still cope
Until our daughters
Return to their mothers.


© 2015 by DURODOLA Folarin


Dedicated to the more than 200 Chibok girls kidnapped in North-Eastern Nigeria on April 14, 2014.





Durodola Folarin Quadri. Born on the first of January 1991. I attended the university of Ibadan as a student of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering. Editor-in-Chief of the departmental press organisation. I like books and one of the best I ever read was Living, Loving and Learning by Professor Felice Leonardo Buscaglia. I enjoy sports and computer games. Poetry gives me succour when I write about how I feel. Most times I write based on real situations because they inspire me more than imagination. I’m quiet and sometimes I’m being labelled as shy, while some simply say I’m an introvert.




I think about life
The peace and the strife
This miserable life
Depressing like a nagging wife

A deadly game
Not for the lame
Unconditional fame
The only aim

The rule is organised crime
Perpetrated time to time
Violence in its prime
Existence sour like lime

Day after day
The clock ticks away
We move closer to a day
After which no other day

Thinking about life. Source: internet images.

Thinking about life. Source: internet images.

When death comes calling
The soul hearkens running
Life’s candle stops burning
To the Lord the soul is returning

At the time of death
Time for the last breathe
So useless is wealth
So unhelpful is health

On the last day
The soul ready to fly away
Close ones hoping it would stay
But the body must return to the clay

O negligent one
Think of all you’ve done
One day you’ll be gone
Like the bullet from a gun.

© 2015 by DURODOLA Folarin




Durodola Folarin Quadri. Born on the first of January 1991. I attended the university of Ibadan as a student of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering. Editor-in-Chief of the departmental press organisation. I like books and one of the best I ever read was Living, Loving and Learning by Professor Felice Leonardo Buscaglia. I enjoy sports and computer games. Poetry gives me succour when I write about how I feel. Most times I write based on real situations because they inspire me more than imagination. I’m quiet and sometimes I’m being labelled as shy, while some simply say I’m an introvert.

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