by KREATIVE DIADEM | Jul 5, 2016 | POEMS
Look at that desert
Situated in such a place
In the middle of the pacific
Where waves toss and twirl,
And tempest tempts the ocean
To water the sands a bit
They slam against a dam
Made high with dry sand.
Crude ingenious imaginations
From the soul of the desert
Unlike a wall of cards
These are highly fortified.
And though some get wet
By virtue of guarding the wall
They take them out
Bring them in
Dry them out
Then replace them in.
How disastrous it would be
If for a second, the wall relaxes
Fears untold, woes would unfold
This, is a lifelong battle
That extends even till death.
This is a lifelong battle
Battle of wits against brawn
This is a lifelong battle
Against the norm
Fighting negativity
Coming from all sides.
Look at that desert
Situated in such a place
Positivity in the midst
Surrounded by negativity
This medulla’s walls are high
Negativity cannot creep in.
This is how twill continually be
That lone dry desert
Right in the midst,
Midst of the Great Pacific.
What happens when Philosophy meets with very vivid imagination?
Emmanuel Ibekwe is ‘who’ happens. I am a graduate of the University of
Ibadan, but, still a student of the School of Imagination situated
inside my world, I love penning down abstract thoughts poetically or
if need be, in an article. I guess that’s what happens when Philosophy
meets with Creativity and the willingness to express it.
by KREATIVE DIADEM | Jan 18, 2016 | POEMS
If wishes were horses
I still would prefer a Lamborghini
I would feel better if it`s not public buses
At least beggars cannot get a ride in it.
They say suffering is no ornament
No one would feel proud with it on their neck
Suffering should be for but a while, not permanent
If it tarries, take another card from nature`s card deck.
All things good come to those who wait
You waited this long and this be your taste?
You took time to nail your coffin
I envy your ambidexterity.
Why enter just to endure
Since you can be free to enjoy
Your life is one and it ends too soon
I envy you a lot. Seems you love torture
Free you are. Sure.
A caged lion in a zoo is free too
Limited but to the ends of the cage
This sums up your case, to the letter and page
I do not know what you enjoy
You could be masochistic for all I know
Perhaps you feel more alive and good to go
When you know what punishment he has for you next.

Your smile has become so sad
Your laughter tell tales of bitterness
If this sad mien be your smiley face,
What then would sad look like?
Why stay locked up just to feel among
Your relationship status changes not a stock market pip
Why be sad when you can boldly stand,
Point to the door and kick him out.
I take my time to feel bad for you
Do take time and do yourself some good
Remain single and wait for the right one
Remember, everything good comes to those who wait.
So, if wishes were horses
I would prefer you stay single and happy
Take him to your door, you need not be snappy
Give him some money and kick him onto one of `em buses.
What happens when Philosophy meets with very vivid imagination?
Emmanuel Ibekwe is ‘who’ happens. I am a graduate of the University of
Ibadan, but, still a student of the School of Imagination situated
inside my world, I love penning down abstract thoughts poetically or
if need be, in an article. I guess that’s what happens when Philosophy
meets with Creativity and the willingness to express it.
by KREATIVE DIADEM | Aug 18, 2015 | POEMS
I walked past a very noisy graveyard
On my way to a dried up well of life
Where I hoped to find some pearl among the swine
That goes there to water the well
I entered a garden of monsters
Monsters with high need for vegetables
In their midst, I listened to the music of silence
Their water source, a great lake, taught me how to sink to swim
I teleported to the world of humans and met a girl I could trust
Her brother a playboy, has only one girlfriend
Her pregnant elder sister was still a virgin
And her five year old kid brother was already a father
I replaced my thinking cap with that of foolishness
Sitting down properly so as to stand better
Closing my eyes to see better
And finally climbing up so as to go down

I shielded my eyes from the moonlight at noon
Spreading my arms to receive the sun at night
Dancing joyously as the rainwater went up the clouds
The heat this winter has been sweltering
Listen to wisdom from a lunatic
Suave as stability from an imbecile
I drank the wine of discrepancies
Suddenly, I made sense of them all.
What happens when Philosophy meets with very vivid imagination?
Emmanuel Ibekwe is ‘who’ happens. I am a graduate of the University of
Ibadan, but, still a student of the School of Imagination situated
inside my world, I love penning down abstract thoughts poetically or
if need be, in an article. I guess that’s what happens when Philosophy
meets with Creativity and the willingness to express it.
by KREATIVE DIADEM | Aug 2, 2015 | POEMS
Just but a figment of the sun’s strength
The only one we can confidently behold
Rebirthing and displaying for us each month
We await eagerly the peak when you are so bold
Sometimes, when you are sickle shaped,
I get to see that boy from the fables
Posing with his legendary stick and legs misshaped
Tis but a combination of imagination and old wives tales.

The moon
I love how you grace my way on clear nights
Streaking silvery slivers on sparkling asbestos
But still, the sun be your source of might
You re only but an inverter, a very compliant apparatus
I wish you could but break forth
Suddenly become self sufficient
But unlike the sun, rise from the north
In your way, you still are beautiful and quite resplendent
What happens when Philosophy meets with very vivid imagination?
Emmanuel Ibekwe is ‘who’ happens. I am a graduate of the University of
Ibadan, but, still a student of the School of Imagination situated
inside my world, I love penning down abstract thoughts poetically or
if need be, in an article. I guess that’s what happens when Philosophy
meets with Creativity and the willingness to express it.
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