These words will protect us

when the children of doom

appear at our doorstep

with message from Iku

on moonless nights of peril.


These words will protect us

when journeying missiles

tell tales of hastened mortality

on serene battlefields.



These words will protect us

when neighbours turn minstrels

that sing with livid tongues and teary gongs,

of Boko ruffians; miserable mindless machines

in the hands of political puppeteers.



I say, these words will protect us

when promise of willing virgins

makes men deaf to the sound of logic

and turns jolly streets into

sites of macabre massacre fest.



These words will protect us,

be our shield and solace,

our anthem of prayers,

custodians of our sanity

against these louts of terror.





Kanyinsola Olorunnisola is a poet, essayist and short story writer. He is currently studying Philosophy at the University of Ibadan. His works have been featured in national newspapers and an international publication. An unrepentant idealist, he believes in the power of words to change the world.



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