NIGERIA ASLEEP by Aremu Abiodun

NIGERIA ASLEEP by Aremu Abiodun

In the morning, the waves are friendly,

the pulse from the breathe of mother Nigeria is embracing,

with the welcoming harp of our beautiful anthem,

of the morning shines with pure patriots,

have you not gone to sleep? my dear Nation!

A bump into our persons with diversity,

the black skinned, the fair skinned,

the religious, the atheist, the rich, the poor,

tangled in one nation,

a nation with differing scene.

Happy Independence Day to Nigeria! Source:


My dear Nation typified by exploit,

are there no wealth for the common?

the rich eat the fat meats,

and the poor live on skinny bones,

have you not gone to sleep? my dear Nation!

My dear Nation of populace living for few,

and your West is every man’s land of comfort

the North, an alien to the South

and the South a no-land for the outsiders.

why are your children with prejudice?

My dear nation, the giant of Africa

why is your economy crashing so deep into the sea?

will your existence be of no impact than suffering?

where are your resources? where are your innovation?

have you not gone to sleep? my dear Nation!

Nigeria is a great Nation? or Nigeria was a great Nation?

When will we have our NIGERIA?

It has been a very long time since our country gained independence. We are old by number ‘together’ but have not seen our self as ONE INDEPENDENT NIGERIA.

Concept of Biafra, BokoHaram, MEND, Corruption and the likes are locust eating deep into our Nation.
A.A. Aremu is a graduate of Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, where he studied Accounting. He is in constant search of knowledge and loves the pen.
THE BEST I EVER HAVE by Tijani Oluwamayowa

THE BEST I EVER HAVE by Tijani Oluwamayowa


I should call you the best I ever had

But that wouldn’t just be false, it will also be hard

It wouldn’t just be mean it will also not be me

You never become my past – no, you won’t pass by me

My days are few but the best were with you

My nights are short and filled with dreams of you

I abhor the nights ‘cos they fuel undying memories of you

I detest my dreams ‘cos I get to see the you I never would have

I try to see your heart and soul

Via the lenses of the space in my heart – the hole

But my gaze may leave me blind – the mole

‘Cos your soul shines like a star – at night and day

Your memories would always be fresh – my star

You, my book and bake would never become a scar

Valentine special image

Rest, assured that though our hands may part

My heart, thoughts and affection would never depart

Our paths may part — but our love transcends paths

The world may spell us apart but like a horse and its cart

We are the art of hearts – never to be understood.

I’d remember the fights with fierce tears

I’d gaze into the future with fresh fears

The memories of your smiles would drown my tears

The soothing whispers of your voice would choke my fears

Till the last of my breath – you I’d cherish

I’d protect you always – even when I perish

Your affection strong, fierce, inexplicable – like the wind

Your love like a pin in hay stack would be hard to find

I love you!

Image source:
Special Valentine Series – February 14, 2016
Tijani Oluwamayowa is a poet, witty speaker, and award-winning Journalist. He was awarded most outstanding Pressman at University of Ibadan for 2013 and 2014.
As a public speaker, Tijani became arguably the finest speaker on any Nigerian campus, following his win at the Nigerian Championship of Public Speaking (Abuja 2013). Follow @Oluwamayowa_TJ
THE BEST I EVER HAVE by Tijani Oluwamayowa

THAT TIME OF THE YEAR by Emmanuel Ibekwe


Here it comes again
The day of Cupid`s ardent disciples
Ears swayed by sweet words
Eyes swayed by curvaceousness

Here it comes again
The few days before that day
Flimsy excuses, Unseen calls
And we get a break up text

Here it comes again
On the D day
Phones miraculously develop faults
Faults that`ll self-repair the day after

Here it comes again
The day of Lover`s reckoning
When we know who is First
And who is playing second fiddle


Here it comes again
When sweet mouths take sway
And virgin thighs give way
Then virgin hearts get broken

Here it comes again
The flirty touches and safe pecks
His hands hand over the ATM card
She flicks and drains it dry

Here it comes again
When the truly single
Will bemoan their single state
And long for one to call theirs

Here it comes again
When the friend-zoned
Will make another bold attempt
A trial at saving face

Here it comes again
When the Best Game players
Choose the best team
From the numerous teams available

And so it comes again
When you look at me and ask for Mine
And I boldly retort, just for peace`s sake
I`m single, I have no One

Special Valentine series – February 14, 2016


What happens when Philosophy meets with very vivid imagination?
Emmanuel Ibekwe is ‘who’ happens. I am a graduate of the University of
Ibadan, but, still a student of the School of Imagination situated
inside my world, I love penning down abstract thoughts poetically or
if need be, in an article. I guess that’s what happens when Philosophy
meets with Creativity and the willingness to express it.



Beauty of Solitude

Was it not yesterday
That I came into this world
Innocent and inspired
Filled with expectations
Of a beautiful world
Visible in my dreams
Was it not yesterday
That I discovered I am unique
Talented and blessed
A leader of tomorrow
To leave the world a better place
And secure myself a place in heaven

Was it not yesterday
That I ran mad
Stricken and nauseated
By mediocres and pretenders
Destroying my homeland
And frustrating all good efforts

Was it not yesterday
That I found myself in this rat race
Shocked and dumbfounded
By the selfishness of human nature
If every man is to live for himself
What then differentiates us from animals?

Was it not yesterday
That I spoke to my friends
Youthful and strengthened
Of the beauty of honesty and diligence
How I sounded like a fool!
An object of derision and laughter

Was it not yesterday
That I sat down to ponder
Hopeful and hopeless
Clueless of today
Afraid of tomorrow
In the beauty of solitude…
Image source:

Chuks Obi is a law student at the University of Ibadan. He writes poems that bring to light various issues affecting Africa with the aim of drawing public attention to them, thus, making the world a better place.
THE YIN YANG by Kunle Adebajo

THE YIN YANG by Kunle Adebajo


White is wise and wonderful

Red cannot be compared

Black is bold and beautiful

For Yellow, a lot have yearned

Short is sure not the same as shallow

And tall does not make one above faults

Fat is merely full of fair overflow

And slim is simply sleek by default

Yin Yang!

Yin Yang!

They who are mighty and huge

Have none but the weak to thank

As there can be no light or good

If dark and evil ain’t there to contend

Whether up North or way down

Friend, do not ever fret or frown

Life is not a pillow of flowing feathers

Rather a window it is to many weathers

Sometimes it hurls the yin

Other times we get a yang

This all makes for a glorious win

If we embrace every bit, fin or fang





Kunle Adebajo is a penultimate student of law at the University of Ibadan. He is a campus journalist and budding public speaker. He is an incurable lover of wits, words and whatsoever shape these two concepts manifest it. He is also the progenitor of Essays NG and the Intellectualise Nigeria Movement.